Worst FF games?

Well, having seen what Dirge of Cerberus had to offer I am now completely convinced that anything in any compilation that Squeenix shits out is considered the worst and that includes FFVII’s compilation.

Mystic Quest gets my vote for worst ever. At least the other games were trying not to suck. Mystic Quest sucks on purpose!

I’ma say FF2j, FF8, and FFX-2. 2j just sucked, 8 turned me off the series entirely, and X-2 was just a game of dress-me-up princess mixed with button mashing.

FFXIII-2 is making a pretty solid play for worst FF ever. “But…everything is so shiny!” Is there really only two permanent playable characters? This game is a nightmare. I want my $16 back.

Yeah, you only get the two plus whatever Pokemon you store on your Demon Summoning App and Snow for that very brief period of time early on. Its pretty much the worst game in the series thus far, at least until XIII-3 comes out. And its mostly due to the fact that instead of resolving [STRIKE]‘paradoxes’[/STRIKE] anything the developers chose to go and say “Hey. Isn’t our villain the most awesomest villain you’ve ever seen?” instead. In short I’m sorry for your loss of your $16.

Is XII-2 a full installment? $16 seems on the low side.

Its a lot like X-2 in that its mostly made up of reused and recycled assets, retcons its predecessor, has presumably better gameplay except for the one or two major flaws that takes the piss out of the tradeoff, and had its plot and characters drafted by the summer intern who spends way too much time on fanfiction.net.

Actually I’m just going to cut to the chase and leave this LP and a link to this particular video featuring the final secret non-DLC ending here to illustrate the problems the game has.

Also the $16 doesn’t cover the DLC which contains the best part of the game; specifically Chronobind.

Also also, the gimmick of the stage that the video starts out in involves platforming.

Yup, full game. It’s $39.99 new at Wal-Mart / Target / Best Buy, but I got it for $16 new from Amazon. I would guess you could buy it for less than $10 off eBay.

Two playable characters and dumbing down the crystarium are game breakers for me. I can find nothing redeeming about this title. Fucking FF meets Pokemon - no thank you. I doubt I’ll ever pick it up again.

I need something to play for the PS3. I want new Skyrim content but that’s probably not going to happen any time soon.