World of Warcraft Rogue Talent Review

Oh my god, so many buffs that are so not even necessary. Evis will now scale with attack power… I will literally sit and /afk in the middle of Orgrimmar, come back, and Thrall will be dead along with all of the horde on the continent.

Does anyone else here play a rogue? I know there are a lot of druids/priests/warriors.

I was advised for warrior so I play my warrior and priest, both undead, but we aren’t on the same server, so I’ve got nothing to fear from you.

Rogues scale even more now. Rogues aren’t really something to fear, but a rogue with the very best gear is.

Any char with the best gear is something to fear.

Rogues aren’t that bad, you just need a couple emergency measures to deal with the after-stun.

I thought the new talent tree changes were nice (I think that the kidney shot upgrade is insane) but I hear people aren’t happy with the way the tree is going to be set up. We’ll see what happens.

Zero has a rogue.

That’s excessive sarcasm, as right now Evis is useless for endgame, it doesn’t scale like everything else. Warriors do with a REGULAR HIT of MS what I do with an Evis crit, and it takes them 30 rage, it takes me anywhere between 195 to over 200 energy to set up a 5 point evis, provided I open with Cheapshot.

Maybe if I was a Seal Fate, it’d go faster.

I hate the new tier 6 subtility that boosts attack power. Nobody in their damn mind wants to go that deep because tier 7 sucks.

Opportunity being rank 1 is fucking sexy.

Serrated blades looks interesting as it ignores 100 armor per point, but it doesn’t seem much, the rupture boost that goes with it is better, as rogue damage endgame is from 3 things: White damage, rupture and SS/backstab depending of spec.

I actually want Ghostly Strike now, it looks GOOD.

Garrote, Eviscerate, and Rupture now all scale with Attack Power <- Ultimate sexy.

Now I don’t know how to spec anymore. I will need to think about this alot.

Tier 7 Subtlety sucks? How come?
(I don’t play a Rogue myself, but I have a friend who always rants about how Tier 7 Sub is the best thing ever, so yeah. I have no idea how rogues work so I dunno if it’s good or not.)

It’s premed, and it used to really really suck. I’ll make a video and make it seem good sometime now that I have computer room.

Use slice and dice for raiding (there are few places where rupture is better). Evis is for PvP. You know warriors who mortal strike for 2k+? O_O I don’t know if even Pat in his second video hit that hard. Evis dominates for PvP and it will even more now.

Also: My spec until Kel’Thuzad is down (when I get Kingsfall) is combat daggers. With the current trees I can get lethality/oppo and go all the way down to Adrenaline Rush. GFG.

I’m guessing you’re combat daggers if it takes that much energy, seal fate is definitely the better PvP build. For me it used to be CS (60) > BS (60) > Gouge (45) > CB Evis. 165 energy. That is of course if it’s someone with terrible gear.

Kidney shot = win. 1700 backstabs will turn into almost 1900 backstabs. lawl. Think of kidney shotting the flag carrier in WSG.

I am wondering how they will work the scaling evis though. (that and the new rank) I will have over 1000 attack power unbuffed when I finish up my Naxx gear.

Used? It didn’t get better. Yes you can use it often, and in PVP 2 CPs can be handy to have, but it rarely works as well as it sounds.

Use slice and dice for raiding (there are few places where rupture is better). Evis is for PvP. You know warriors who mortal strike for 2k+? O_O I don’t know if even Pat in his second video hit that hard. Evis dominates for PvP and it will even more now.

If you can’t keep up a S&D and a rupture, you have a problem. I’ve been on the recieving end of those MSes before, and I’ve seen guys hit with them, it’s not HARD. Just takes the right gear, something that no Rogue can do without scaling. Evis hardly dominates, a 4 point Evis has a bloody hard time hitting the 800 mark as a crit on a warrior who has Flagcarrier gear.

Also: My spec until Kel’Thuzad is down (when I get Kingsfall) is combat daggers. With the current trees I can get lethality/oppo and go all the way down to Adrenaline Rush. GFG.

I’m guessing you’re combat daggers if it takes that much energy, seal fate is definitely the better PvP build. For me it used to be CS (60) > BS (60) > Gouge (45) > CB Evis. 165 energy. That is of course if it’s someone with terrible gear.

I’m a mix of all trees, combat daggers gimps me too badly for PVP with my gear even if Adrenaline is nice, I got lethality/oppo/improved ambush with more points in combat for the dagger crit.

Kidney shot = win. 1700 backstabs will turn into almost 1900 backstabs. lawl. Think of kidney shotting the flag carrier in WSG.

Only if you have the talent, it’ll be the same for the rest of us.

I am wondering how they will work the scaling evis though. (that and the new rank) I will have over 1000 attack power unbuffed when I finish up my Naxx gear.

Examples from Drysc himself

Garrote 6:
Old Damage: 432
600 AP: 660
800 AP:696
1500 AP: 822
% Increase for 1500 AP: 90%

Eviscerate 8:
Old Damage: 936
600 AP: 941
800 AP: 971
1500 AP: 1076

Eviscerate 9:
600 AP: 1048
800 AP: 1078
1500 AP: 1183
% Increase for 1500 AP: 26%

Rupture 6:
Old Damage: 935
600 AP: 944
800 AP: 992
1500 AP: 1160
% Increase for 1500 AP: 24%

I bet I could get it to work. It’d also only be a solo ganking build, cause that’s all hemo is.

Combat daggers you get into a rhythm to put up 5 combo points and then wait 5 seconds for your snd to wear off, and your energy will have just ticked back up to 100 energy so it’s like you start all over again after using SnD. Also, there was no real reason to even use rupture unless you have it improved.

Rupture does 935 stated damage. (Evis = 936 avg) Rupture does almost equal damage to evis and is not effected by armor. However it cannot crit. With about 45 raidbufed critrate (That’s with decent armor) Evis goes from 936 average damage to 936x1.45 = 1357.2 Lets pretend a mob has 30% damage reduction (Which I don’t think any raid boss in the game even gets close to) 1357.2x.7 = 950.04 which is still higher than rupture. If you have imp rupture rupture will be better.

Combat daggers is a purely PvE build, it will gimp anyone in solo PvP. In group PvP however PvE builds can do pretty damn nice because you don’t have to worry about survivability (stuns), you can just run around spamming backstab. Your build sounds like something I used for leveling. Do you have seal fate, cold blood, or prep? You pretty much have to have at least two of those (if you pick seal fate it will be cold blood as the other of course) to be most effective in PvP as a dagger build.

If you’re saying that only the rogue will do more damage, you’re wrong. The talent states: While affected by your Kidney Shot ability, target receives an additional 9% damage from all sources. If you’re saying that only rogues who choose that talent get the benefit… well… yeah that’s the point of talents.

And yeah I saw those values last night they look pretty sweet. Funny because a rogue in like… shadowcraft will still be hitting harder with his finishers than he was before.