I’ve never been Ninja-looted from before, but goddamn, that guy was pissed.
I don’t think he is talking about World of Warcraft.
For those of us who aren’t entirely clear on how ninja-looting works in WoW, could someone explain, please?
Most parties use FFA loot, where everyone can loot anything that drops. There’s a certain trust factor, and sometimes people break it and just steal something that they didn’t win the /random 100 on.
Cloudsong is an artifact in DaoC, and the guy KSed his mob or something.
I haven’t seen anyone use FFA loot except in exceptional circumstances like the blood of hakkar in ST. I don’t get what happened in this case because all I see are big letters saying you stole my fucking cloudsong and a repeat of pics in the back with illegible text. I once had a guy ninja loot the hammer of theradras from me, that was upsetting.
Another qualification; In the old patches Master Looter mode (all loot goes to the group leader who then gives it out as neccessary) was bugged something horrid, so people used FFA looting. This of course requires absolute trust on the count of everyone, and can lead to some horrid drama (witness last month when Ragnaros was ninjalooted and the ninjaer got away with three Epic items).
Are you 60 yet Sin? Maybe it’s just something my server does, but we all use FFA loot.
And ninja-looting Rag? That has nothing to do with FFA loot, that’s just someone being stupid and getting booted out of a pretty good high-end guild. Everyone uses FFA loot in MC.
Then everyone is an idiot. If you’re using FFA post-patch, in MC no less, then you shouldn’t complain when someone ninjas you.
I have a 60 warrior and a 58 shadowpriest. The top instances I did were UBRS, Scholo and both sides of Strat so I haven’t seen this.
This reminds me of the old days of RO. XD I never knew it was possible to get that angry though. >.>;
FFXI mastered the drop system. Blizzard should have learnt from Square. =\
I don’t think people use anything besides group loot in pick-up groups. Maybe within guilds people sometimes use FFA. But why bother with FFA or master looter for the stuff that doesn’t require 40 person raids?
Most MC runs are done with a full raid of trusted people within one guild. Its a trust level thing that most high-end guilds understand and go by.
I would never join a pickup group or be a part of a guild that uses FFA. Your server is weird, because this has never been an issue for me. Our guild does use master loot in MC…which is a pretty good system I think. I don’t have absolute trust for even my parents, why should I for some dork in a MMO?
When I said pickup group, I meant for instances that don’t require 40 people. Obviously. Since they don’t exist for 40 person instances.
And I understand that, but if you just finished a three day-long clearout of MC and a Felstriker and Spinal Reaper drops then one day someone is going to take those and /gquit and damn the consequences. Better to put your trust in one experienced raid leader than 38 other faceless guildies.
Ahahaha now I can’t stop thinking about what a pickup Molten Core or god forbid Blackwing Lair group would be like. I would pay to see that. I’m so going to organise one of these later.
(level 50 guy in party) finally, after 6 hours of killing these guys, one genkai key dropped. All except me and the BLM pass, we’ll roll on it.
(BLM) casts warp 2 on other guy after everyone passes, rolls, quits party
If you guys have trouble trusting your guildies, that would be your problem. You probably shouldn’t be in a guild you can’t trust anyway. I am in a guild that has existed for 3 or so years on EQ, and now almost a year on WoW. We are extremely selective about who gets in, and if anyone even has a hint of shadiness, they’re booted immediately. Maybe your guildies are faceless ninja-looters, but I know a few of my guildmates personally, and a LOT of the guild sees eachother at cons/other events.
Does your guild get together at conventions and hunt down people with characters of the opposing faction
I’ve hit 60 a while ago but we never use FFA loot unless we’re running lowbies and don’t wanna bother looting or are doing ST’s hakkar thing. Group Loot is just safer, since it’s not always guildies or trusted people and EVEN THEN we had incidents of a druid stealing a cloth belt from a priest.
FFA looting is something I’ve never seen with pickup group.