Will the REAL Spoony please stand up?

We’ve found you at last, Spoony!:yipee: :yipee: :yipee: tickle attacks him

Eek! And I’m without my tickle-proof armor! runs:runaway:

sees horde ready to tickle Spoons

Run Spoons, RUN! [/Girl in Forrest Gump]

You shoulda called this thread, “Would the real Spoon Shadey please st–”


NAked Spoony. No. Just… no.

Wow. That’s all there is to say, Wow.

Well it’s not like the sprite is especially hot, VE. SO why the “wow”?

comes back from the chaseSo you’re saying Spoony’s not hot?:hmm:

Hey, am I the last one to see OLs latest strip? [post-joke drumbeat followed by canned laughter ]



Originally posted by Yar Kramer

I second that. :thud:

Originally posted by Yar Kramer

I agree :thud: :thud: :thud: and I third it


I’d do the same, but I don’t have a passed-out sprite…

Well, if we’re all thudding…


Blown up and exploded!

If you look closely at the nekkid Spoony sprite, it looks like he’s either covered with kisses or growing a beard.

Look at the bright side. Would you rather see Spoony in his boxers, or Spoony in a dress. Or Spoony in lingerie.

You forgot the worst case scenario Xelopheris: SpoonyBard in mosaic.

He’s a sprite character. How can he get much more mosaic than he already is??