Why Tales of Eternia Is The Best RPG Ever And You Suck If You Disagree.

ToE’s soundtrack was composed by Motoi Sakuraba, right?

THAT’S as good a reason as any to slam ToE into the ground.

Well Pirates of Dark Water had pirates in it, you gonna praise that now too? :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a few chances to pick this up over the past year… but never had the money. maybe I should up it on my list of things to download.

ur mom

Cless Wins Again.

I actually thought it was easier to fight in Phantasia. The fighting system and buttons, I mean.

To be honest, I couldn’t really get into the game, and didn’t even get through the training dojo part. But I’ll have to try again; the battle system WAS fun.

Oh yeah, ToE was composed by Sakuraba. Eat it, bitches. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, Cless, ur mom, THEN ur mom AGEN!!! OHH :OOOOHHHHH

Well I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I’m playing PIERvSG2, and my character has an infinite fucking health bar, and all SG has is low-medium!

Let me refute these points with points of my own.

  1. You’re wrong.

  2. I’m right.

  3. ToE rocks.

  4. You don’t like Fire Emblem, which means there’s something fucking wrong with you, so your opinions can’t be trusted.

  5. I’m just kidding about points 1-4, by the way.

  6. SG’s mother sucks cocks in hell!

Hell yes, the Tales games rock. I want my graphic nudity though. You are a tease.

Pierson and CH’s arguments are rendered null because PIRATES SUCK AND YOU SUCK IF YOU DISAGREE.

Good points Pierson. I agree with them. You should re-read them because they’re so awesome. It’s like you didn’t even come up with them!

I’ve been channeling the spirit of Hades. Does it show?

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Actually, I’m going to have to side with SG here… Tales of Eternia has really awful music compared to the other Tales games (OMG !!! =O), and that’s why I’m staying away from that OST.

No game is just a soundtrack!

Then you obviously don’t know me well enough =P I’m one of those sickos that cares more about the music than the actual game =P Bad music = Bad game :stuck_out_tongue:

Then according to that system, what’s the best game ever made?


Internal Section

Border Down



Life Force

Contra : Shattered Soldier

And many, many, many, many more…

Seeing a pattern here ??? <<

I’m actually in half agreement here. >.>; Good music = good game.

HOWEVER, Bad music = mute + me putting on good music = good game.

So… Bad game = good game!

A game is a game, you can’t prove it’s good or not since those are all matters of opinion. :stuck_out_tongue:
