Who's going to die first?

Y’know… they ARE Sims afterall, irregardless of what happens if played long enough they’ll die. But… the question is: Who first?

Lunaris will die from Toomanygunsitis.

They’ll get bit by a rabbid Lemming. Then they’ll take their clothes off and put on animal skins, then they’ll follow the rabid Lemming off a cliff…on stilts.

I’m just going to be boring and vote for what we all know is going to happen. (Any day now.)

Have you added New Famuly With Merl & Sin and Few others across the Way.

Big Nutter
Spoony****: Take Lessons, ok?

Actually, I think this is kinda more Spoony’s close buddies online than the staff members.

Sadly the last one.

Well, he has allready missed one update

hmm…I say Spoony loses interest and kills everyone off in some horrible accident.

I agree Trill.

I had a sim one time that killed himself with the microwave. it blew up and he tryed to put it out with his body. Afterwords, the lady that somehow moved in with him when I had it on super fast time laps, woulden’t stop crying over the urn. don’t remember what happend to her, think I evicted her.

I’ll die before any of you, or them…

That is stupid what you just said goner.

Methinks that it is no longer a “bit” of a delay and it has been upgraded to a megabyte of a delay. :smiley:

God will trap everyone but Spoonybard inside the toilet, where they will die a slow and agonizing death.

Sounds promising.

Yep, because it’s impossible to go when someone else is watching, and their intestines will explode from the pressure after a couple of weeks.

And I Goner say whatever… so… stop saying stupid shit like that before you embarrass yourself. That is all.

You know, people should listen to their own advice.

It’s funny when the ghost of whoever died in a house before comes back to scare the bejeezus out of the sim currently living there. XD