Who will win? Freddy or Jason?

What about Jason’s mom? In past movies Jason has seemed to have a soft spot for her. All Freddy would have to do is shape shift into Jason’s mother then slice Jason’s head off or whatever kills him.

Dude. Jason. Does. Not. Die. Simple as that. SIMPLE, DAMMIT, SIMPLE. He REGROWS his tissue, skin, limbs, eyes… HE CAN’T DIE.

Originally posted by Cala
Dude. Jason. Does. Not. Die. Simple as that. SIMPLE, DAMMIT, SIMPLE. He REGROWS his tissue, skin, limbs, eyes… HE CAN’T DIE.

Yeah. He’s like Reagan. :get it?:

While Ash would kick both their asses with his unlimited ammo boomstick… I say that at first Freddy and Jason will fight and then just realize: HEY! What the hell are we doing?! Let’s stop fighting and just go on a killing frenzy like we always do =)

simple as that… What i’d like to see though would be mike myers (halloween) come in and kill all of them :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Cala
Dude. Jason. Does. Not. Die. Simple as that. SIMPLE, DAMMIT, SIMPLE. He REGROWS his tissue, skin, limbs, eyes… HE CAN’T DIE.

Everything Dies” - Type O Negative

Well I loved my aunt
But she died
And my uncle Lou
Then he died
I’m searching for
Something which can’t
Be found but I’m hoping
I still dream of dad
Though he died

Everything dies

My ma’s so sick
She might die
Though my girl’s quite fit
she will die

Still looking for someone
Who was around
Barely coping
Now I hate myself
Wish I’d die

No why? Oh God I miss you
No, why? Oh God I miss you
I really miss you

Uh… I guess I’m trying to say that they’ll find a way to kill him. Besides- Jason sucks, and isn’t really all that scary. Freddy, however…

Jason isn’t some indestructible robot or anything… Isn’t he killing people to get revenge for being picked on or something? So what if Freddy exploits this, maybe starts taunting Jason… Even monsters can cry. lol.

Originally posted by Steve
Yeah, freddy could become jason, and jason would cry and be all “OMG U SUK U H4x0r!”

Hmmm. Oh, does anyone know what the deal is with the figure jumping from the lake in the trailer? I’m clueless.

I think they should kill Freddy. They already killed Freddy once, so at least in his case they set a precedent.

Originally posted by Gila-Monster
Jason isn’t some indestructible robot or anything… Isn’t he killing people to get revenge for being picked on or something? So what if Freddy exploits this, maybe starts taunting Jason… Even monsters can cry. lol.

That’s more Freddy, getting revenge… He kills relatives or descendants of the original parents that killed him…

And that’d be Freddy jumping out, not sure why.


Exactly why are they trying to kill each other anyway?

Freddy wants to go on a killing spree but he needs to instill fear in people since that’s how he operates, so he gets Jason (not sure how yet) to kill some people off. Jason (I’m guessing here) doesn’t like this and goes after Freddy.

“Hey there big guy! Look! A nice shiny machette!”
Freddy throws machette in direction of gormless yet oh-so-pretty US school/college kids
“Go git!”


BTW, I have MMX6. :stuck_out_tongue:

Urge… to kill… RISING!

Heh heh…

And BTW, Pierson, I assume you got my PM. :mwahaha:

Originally posted by Pierson
Urge… to kill… RISING!

Bwahahahahaha. I’ll sell it to ya, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you, but I live in the Uk, and anyway, as we speak/type I have found a copy. So Myah. :Sticks out tongue at Cala:

I have X5. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Cala
I have X5. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I might cry…:thud:

I’ll sell it to ya. :stuck_out_tongue: