who is your favorite Judge Magister? (FFXII)

In Final Fantasy XII, who is your favorite Judge Magister, and why?

I love Gabbranth… Well, not really him… but his equipment (especially the helm). It just looks so cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

Drace is also cool, but too bad she only had limited appearance.

It’s nice that you’re trying to engage in discussion, but please don’t keep making new threads for things which are essentially “What are your favorite X?”. We’ve had dozens of those in the past. If you want to rehash those discussions, please keep them in one thread.

My favorite was the one who killed the Gran Kiltis. I forget his name, but he was a pretty wild guy, and I thought his weapons were really wicked looking.

Fantasy Gamer, you are in violation of rule 12 of the forums: 12. - Please don’t spam. We define spam as, “Any overuse of a topic, or posting the same thread(s) repetitively while consistently talking about very similar subjects with little variety nor discussion-depth in both your thread and the thread’s replies.” An example would be things like, “What is your favorite FF game?” where there is little discussion to be had and the thread itself is not very deep. Trust us, we’ve all seen those threads 38 times already :stuck_out_tongue:

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