Which web browser is better?

Firefox, or Netscape? I’m honestly curious – the whole Japanese thing is getting on my nerves (same with a few other minor bits that other browsers can do but Firefox can’t). I’m open to other suggestions as well.

People still use Netscape?

If you have no complaints with what you’re using, why both to change?

Um, yes I do have complains with what I’m using (Firefox), and everyone knows about IE. Hence the thread.

Firefox and Netscape both use the same framework (Gecko). So any problems in Firefox are most probably also in Netscape. The difference is that Firefox is open-source and is constantly being updated, whereas Netscape is proprietary and will slow your computer down and fill it with junk you don’t want or need. So yeah… there isn’t really any reason to use Netscape over Firefox.

Opera. There’s no ads anymore.

I was under the impression Opera was kind of anal with regard to displaying web pages which don’t conform exactly to W3C standards.

I was gonna say the same thing about netscape, but yeah… I prefer the fox.

Firefox, all the way. Cid is exaclt right.

The Naruto browser be the best.

I’ve never had encoding problems with firefox.
So… I guess firefox is the one to go with.

I’ll try Opera and see what it’s like. Anyone else have any other comments about that one?


WTF is Lynx?

And having tried out Opera, I must say I like Firefox better.

<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynx_(web_browser)”>A totally text-based browser</a> that i love because it ALWAYS works, and NEVER breaks. You want stable? This thing is a <i>rock</i>. Of course, being text based, it has really severe limitations.

(wikipedia because lynx’s own site is horribly unusefull)

Yeah, I always stick to lynx and irssi. Screw you kids and your modern apps with graphical interfaces and whatnot. >=E

Yes, two decades of that newfangled “graphics” stuff have totally passed you by, haven’t they?

By all means. Even if I hadn’t even born two decades ago, I still somehow managed to completely skim through all those fancy graphical fads and stick to my sacred command-line interface apps. >=E

… Riiiiight.


looks around

oh forget it…even I can’t sell netscape here…firefox…real easy answer…