Which Orakian Outfit is the best?

As many of you know, I tend to have a full wardrobe. But I have no idea which I consider the best. So here they all are.

Shining Knight Orakio

Fusion Orakio v1.0

Orakio in a Robe

Orakio in a shirt and jeans

Baseball Orakio

(more to come)

(here are the others)

WWE Orakio

Orakio in a Black Cape

Angel Orakio

Super Orakio

Disco Orakio

I like the robe one… but I also like the one with black armor and green (yellow?) pants…

that is the Dark Orakio one… he doesn’t count :stuck_out_tongue:

The one with the cape, I would have said baseball, but it’s not the Cardnals.

That’s because I’m a Bluejays fan :slight_smile:

The black caped is cool.

The black caped Orakio.


I just can’t resist a man in a powder Blue suit and afro.

The one with the dick. Which, oddly enough, isn’t listed.

Originally posted by Sorcerer
The one with the dick. Which, oddly enough, isn’t listed.

That was on the angel sprite. He got rid of it. I think it was a cod or something? And the robe one looks fine.

I don’t remember which one it was, but it looked like a dick.

Originally posted by Orakio
that is the Dark Orakio one… he doesn’t count :stuck_out_tongue:

aww… why not? :too bad; :stuck_out_tongue:

Cuz that one is EV0L!!!111


But no matter… you scaredy cats afraid of Disco Orak must now face Wal*Mart Orak.

Wal*Mart Orakio is okay, disco Orak is…evil.

I can’t wait to see how he works THAT one into the next get Wise. :mwahaha: