what's your FF victory dance?

My victory dance would be jus’ like the one Cloud does. I’ve tried immitatin’ that victory dance with a really long stick, but I look like a retard when I do that move.

Originally posted by Fenril_Knight
My victory dance would be jus’ like the one Cloud does. I’ve tried immitatin’ that victory dance with a really long stick, but I look like a retard when I do that move.

Every video game emulated in real life is unfortunately gauranteed to look retarded :stuck_out_tongue:

for a victory dance id put away my weapon, probably a staff or something else coolish like that, then light a huge fire :yipee:

My dance would be like… a mix of different Oni combos or something… and I’d probably say someething that sounds like something from Tales of Phantasia :hyperven: …
Come to think of it, It’d be excactly like Klarth’s dance in ToP (where he closes his book and all that)

Hm…I’d probably spin a staff of some kind in front of me about twice, then put it by my side and flick my hair back, before putting my hand on my hip and looking with pride at my defeated opponent.

~Priestess Aeria~

Anyway, i always liked Cloud’s victory. :cool:

VT your avvie r0xx0rz:hahaha; :mwahaha:

I would laugh at my enfeebled opponent and make several comments on his mothers promiscuity followed by a barage of insults about the state of his bladder.

My, Dominic, are you the one with all the pleasantries and right credentials? Cough**Cough

~Priestess Aeria~

I’d do the original FF1 two-frame victory dance.