What's the point?

Sorry for yet another bitching topic.

A few weeks ago, I finally sat down and did the math. In essence, I have been writing fanfiction for close to eight years. Furthermore, the whole RPGC thing has been going on for about seven.

In that same amount of time:

*RPGC has died out, leaving me with only the few straggling diehards for readers.

*My life has taken a turn for shit. The career I focused four+ years of my life towards ended up resulting in nothing, I haven’t had a girlfriend in years, and I’m back living with my parents.

*Absolution, the last hope I had for a legitimate work, ended up collapsing. I couldn’t even write a single page without finding a trillion things wrong with…everything.

*My cat, which I had since I was five, suddenly died.

*I got diagnosed with Aspergers. Not that much suck, but it still pisses me off.

*And so on.

And yet, I’m still here, still writing. But for what? I still enjoy my work to an extent. The RPGC Task Force is probably the most fun I’ve had writing anything in years. But again, the site is dead. The handful that remain are certainly fun to have around, but I feel myself getting stuck in a rut, trying to satisfy the exact same expectations time and again.

You want to know what’s really sad? I’m losing sleep over this. I’m not kidding, this whole thing is stressing me out to the point of insomnia. I can’t believe just how much time and effort I’ve placed into what is basically just a giant, burning piss in the wind. I’m not a good writer by any means. I’m starting to get older than half the Internet. And my many attempts at a real life are constantly thwarted by my own retardedness.

There. I feel better now.

April Fool?

Though I have to admit, you DO sound depressed sometimes.

And RPGC isn’t dead. As I pointed out, I see more activity here than in other forums I visit. More importantly, it’s MORE FUN than most other forums I’ve seen, which is why I still hang around here. Will the site die? Sure, at SOME point. Maybe tomorrow. But guess what, SO COULD ANY OF US. What’s the point of worrying then? Enjoy what you have today, I always say.

Your career didn’t work as you planned? Neither did mine, and it’s mostly my fault for snapping while I was in College. You haven’t had a girlfriend in years? I’ve NEVER had one (and I had plenty of chances. I just never fell in love. I haven’t given up on it, either.)

You have Aspergers? I’m epileptic. At one point, I was afraid I had CANCER. Having lost several people I cared for to that goddamned disease. I felt SO relieved when I found out I didn’t have a brain tumor, that I was GLAD I only had epilepsy. I can live with it.

As for writing, at least you’re putting SOMETHING out. I LOVE writing, it’s the single thing that gives me the most satisfaction in the world… and sometimes I get BLOCKED, without warning, and I just can’t write no matter how badly I want to. Often forcing me to leave stories unfinished, which pisses me off.

And no, no April Fool! Here. I’m serious.

Still feel bad about yourself? Then… oh… go screw yourself! Why is it ALWAYS me who ends up talking you “kids” out of your depression? Who the hell named me the local psychologist??

(Ok, THAT last part wasn’t that serious.) :wink:

But you know what? Imperfect as my life is, I’m still VERY happy to have lived it. To exist. To have such good friends, even here. Maybe I’ll die single and without having achieved anything. I don’t care. Not as long as I’ve enjoyed my life… and I have.

Have a nice day.

Woah… um is it just me or is the mood around here today rather low… oh boy.:bowser:

Wil I guess you got named the local psychologist because of all your experience. You have been through everything we are going through, and even more, as your brief little life histroy shows. You have lived through it all and come out the other side. So when we hear you say things will be alright and will turn out okay, we know it is the truth.
And I am sorry if you feel like us ‘kids’ feel like we dump our problems in your lap. I don’t think any of us ever do it on purpose, we just come here to vent. And then you come along as the responsible ‘adult’ to try and make everything all better.

And one thing you can be sure of Wil, no matter what else happens in this crazy world, and even crazier forum, you have achieved something. Your writings, the things you love so much, have inspired us, made us laugh, brought us joy, and even the odd tear.
So your life has touch the hearts of so many people, both in real life, and online across the globe. And in this crazy world, that is all we can ever hope to achieve.

So buck up, everyone…:kissy:… life is never as bad as it seems. There is always something to keep going for, even if it is just the joy of seeing the sun rise on one more day.

Woah :thud: … been a while since I been that touchy-feely, I’m exhausted. Think I’ll just take a nap right here :boring:

Oops, I forgot to make it clear that when I meant this wasn’t an April Fool’s joke, I was referring to my list of life experiences- NOT to the part where I said I was pissed about always playing the adviser here. If I REALLY resented that, I wouldn’t even be here to begin with. I’m going to edit my last post to make it clearer.

But thanks anyway, HS- it’s nice to be appreciated. :slight_smile:

Sorry for posting this. I didn’t mean to piss everyone off.

Especially sorry, Wil. I was just trying to vent. You’re definately the cool old guy of this forum, and…well, I’m just really sorry. I won’t bother you again, I promise.

I doubt anyone is actually pissed off at you. We all feel the need to vent sometimes, and talking with someone, or just talking AT someone, about your problems usually helps a lot.

Luckily, I’ve already done my venting to some friends a few months ago, otherwhise this might turn into a “I’m more miserable than you” thread. :wink:

I would also like to say that writing fanfiction for around eight years is something that I find admirable. It takes a lot of creativity to write something at all, and to still be at it after eight years, that’s pretty huge.
(And I even envy you a little for actually getting things done. :stuck_out_tongue:
I think I’ve finished one story in the, what? Four or five years since I started “writing”… Two if you count a very short one shot based on Master of Magic. :wink:
Gah. I just remember a third one. The one that I don’t want to talk about, but I did finish it.)

Yeah, Poke’s right. Threads like this, once a while, help us take things off of our collective chests. Life is funny in the way we often feel pissed, but we can’t quite tell why. Mainly because we rarely sit down to list the reasons. So, don’t feel bad, d- you might have actually done us a favor! :wink:

Oh, and in case I haven’t mentioned this lately, I Admire you a lot, the way you can not only write MULTIPLE stories at the same time, but manage to keep them interesting even if they go on for a long time. That’s no small feat, trust me. Hmm. Maybe I should try that as well- alternate between stories, so that when I run out of ideas for one, just shift to another until I get back the inspiration for the first? What do you guys think?

Well the mood in here is certainly feeling better today.:biggrin:

And even if you weren’t being serious, I did still want to let you know you are appreciated very much around here Wil. So are you d

And we all do just need to vent and be reassured from time to time. Which is why RPGC is still a nice place to hang out, and isn’t dead, far from it.

Well I’m off:moonwalk:… back to my work :bowser: oh boy

No Gallo, don’t apologize. When you need to vent, you need to vent and you know you’ve got people here who know you and know what you’re talking about. We shouldn’t try to bottle stuff like that up. Like you said, you really did feel better writing it all out, no?

First of all, condolences about your cat.

I believe you keep writing because it simply means that much to you, and that’s very precious. Even if you feel you’re trying to satisfy the same crowd with the same things. I look back on your old and recent stuff every now and again, and there’s just so much there that makes me chuckle. When you’re done with the sagas, try something new. I’m certain we’ll find it just as delightful. You used to write horror, now you’ve written humor/quirky drama/action for a long while. Why not try something else?

You’re one of those people who have been around for as long as I have, and I admire your skill and drive to keep going for as long as you have. It’s really great to have you around, Gallo. I know I don’t seem to be around a lot more, but you and many other people here have meant a lot to me through the years.

As for work and shit, well, you know how things are right now. Just keep trying. This too will pass and all that. Incidentally, right now I’m a telemarketer. There, I said it. crawls off into a dark corner

Hmm, seems I’m a little late…

Anyways, d, I’m still here. Your stories are what keep me visiting and posting(and that’s the truth). Mind you, the RPs do have a little bit of pull to them, but I have a multitude of other RPs to deal with, so they don’t interest me as much as reading a good ole story.

And my sympathies for your cat as well. We had to put a cat to sleep once because she was getting old and had a bunch of problems. It was a crappy day. X_X

Anyways, I guess it’s time I go back to working on bottling my emotions and letting them out in small, controlled bursts. :smiley: