whats the darkest Final Fantasy?

I would have to say Final Fantasy IX and most wont agree with me and say that the tone is lighter than the others just because its more colorfull and the humor early on is lighthearted but it gets extremly dark later on, even with the humor,
I know most may thin that VII is the darkest but I just cant see it plus that has the funniest scene in the entire seriesthreatining the dons “it”

Are you fucking kidding me? GO play FFVI. That wins, hands down.

Ah, FF6, wandering the World of Ruin pre-airship is so depressing. That whole part of the game (Celes and Cid, Terra and the Mobliz kids) is so bleak.

I used to think 6 was the darkest, but for me it’s got to be 10 now.

Now that I think about it, I’d say 10 too.

I agree with thinking that VI is the darkest but if you dont agrre with IX go replay it and look at all the depth and undertones
here are a few reasons why I think that IX is the darkest

the emptiness of the Gaia
the destruction of Alexandria
Madeen Sairi
the Black Mages

in the second half pretty much the only thing that brings humor funny enough to laugh at is Quinas reaction to evereything

I cannot see why you would think that X is the darkest either, I think that X and X-2 are the funniest in the series

Personally I have always felt FF6 has been one of the darkest. Hell it is the only time the bad guys actually succeeded in destroying (at least partly) the world.

But I can see why some people might say FFX as being pretty dark too.

I think 6 and 7 are the darkest because it has the most deaths of characters you care about (as opposed to Black Mages), plus various points like schizophrenic breakdowns, tragic love, and Cait Sith.

Final Fantasy Tactics I.

How many games you have seen where

  1. You don’t know if the main hero survived at the end, and

  2. The person you fought so hard to save all game dies anyway (after the credits, too) AND is killed by the man who loved her, who happens to have been the hero’s best-friend-turned evil?

Add a lack of fun moments (which are present in most FFs) and the game was the biggest downer I’ve played in the series.

I think I’ll agree with Wilfredo, he’s convinced me enough :).

To tell you the truth I believe Final Fantasy II is the darkest. The characters you get to help you on your quest all DIE! There deaths are kind of dark too, like getting ran over by a boulder, and the other deaths too are pretty dark. I guess Square got kind of sadistic while makeing the game.

Maybe if I had played Tactics, I’d get it. :smiley:

I admit that I laughed at Wil’s point #2 for FFT when it happened. Not because the scene was funny, but because the translation was so awkward it totally took away from the dramaticness of the scene and made me giggle.

A three way tie, FF2 and FF6, and FFTactics 1. All of them are equally dark and depressing.

Does Live a Live count?

[SPOILER]1)You do. Ramza and Alma appear shortly towards the end and the entire ending sequence is them riding off into god-knows-where. It’s the rest of the party who’s fate is uncertain.

2)Well… I wouldn’t say all the game. Ramza and co. kinda forget about Ovelia after Chapter 2, it’s really much more about Alma after that point.[/SPOILER]

That said, yeah it’s a pretty depressing game. It’s also the only title in the series (And most of the market for that matter) that actually brings up rape, even if it’s only in passing.

My vote still goes to FFVI’s World of Ruin though. The decimated post-apocalypse setting did a good job at giving you a personal reason to kill the clown. I actually wanted to beat the crap out of him for all that.

Alas I never got to finish the game. I got to the second demon, and I wasn’t strong enough, and then I lost my PS2

How could you lose your PlayStation 2?

huh? I thought I misread that… aren’t PS2’s like plugged in and stuff? I’m confused

  1. I thought so too, but it has been pointed out to me that there was never any evidence of Ramza’s survival- somebody THOUGHT he’d seen him and Alma, but they could’ve been ghosts. Certainly, the narrator doesn’t say they were ever seen again.
  2. True, but that was due to poor writing. The Princess was the key character of the game’s political clashes. Her fate shouldn’t have been consigned to an after-the-credits scene.

That said, I admit I played FFT twice- I loved the Character-creation system and wanted to mess around with it again.