What's Everyone Watching?: Winter '09 Edition

I’ve been kinda short on time lately and I really haven’t seen much what’s on right now. I started to search but I stopped soon after when I came across Tower of Duraga: Second Quest. I didn’t know if there’s anything else worth following right now so some recommendations would be appreciated.

The only new anime I’ve seen in recent months is Gurenn Lagann, and I hated it.

In other news, I just finished rewatching Gungrave. Sometimes, the direction choices are really stupid, but the anime is great.

As someone who is never on the cutting edge of fansubs, I’ve been watching Gundam 00 on Sci-Fi and Code Geass R2 on Adult Swim. On the Netflix front, I’m swapping between Higurashi and Cardcaptor Sakura (I know, an interesting combination). I watched Macross Zero two weeks ago, and I really enjoyed that; plus, I found a link for HD fansubs. :smiley:

Oh, I was watching Moribito as well, until it was pulled. :frowning:

Ride Back has had favorable first impressions and is supposed to actually make good use of CG. It’s being done by Madhouse so you can assume it’ll keep a decent level of animation quality throughout.

Maria†Holic = yuri + trap + SHAFT + trippiest opening ever. I’m wary about the execution so I’m still waiting for a few more episode reviews before I watch this for myself.

Rest of the stuff I’m following/looking at (Marimite, Natsume Yuujin-Chou, and Minami-ke[supposed to be back to S1 form]) are sequels so I don’t think they’ll interest you a great deal unless you’ve watched the preludes.

Hasn’t been much capturing my interest lately. Been watching Gundam 00 mostly and catching bits of Macross Plus. There’s not much on AS that catches my attention anymore. Bleach is boring to me now, already watched all of Code Geass, but I’ll watch Moribito occasionally.

Maybe I should finish Elfin Lied someday.

I just finished chaos;head

It certainly is pretty trippy

Finished: Gundam 08th MS Team, Rosario + Vampire (NEVER AGAIN)

<strike>Ongoing: Rosario + Vampire</strike>

Planning on: Soul Eater

I’m reading much more manga than I’m watching, but right now:

-Tower of Druaga: Sword of Uruk.

-Birdy the Mighty DECODE: Done with first season, awaiting subs for the second.

-Gundam 00 S2: Thank God the upped the pace a little. And introduced MISUTAH BISHIDO, as if the director hadn’t made enough fun of western mecha fans with him in the first season.

-Slayers Evolution-R: It’s… Slayers.

Soul Eater
Gundam 00 S2
Gun X Sword (They’re in the next SRW game, sooo…)

To Aru Majutsu no Index/A Certain Magical Index? Or some other show named Index?

I started on Hokuto no Ken Raoh Gaiden, but subs have been pretty lax and slow. After finishing Detroit Metal City I’m pretty much just introducing some new friends to all things super and robot. We watched New Getter Robo over a couple evenings and now I’m running them through Gaogaigar and G Gundam before I show them TTGL.

Not really current, but I just watched the entirety of Le Chevalier D’Eon with my sister, and now we are spoiled. Since we know we will never again watch a show as beautiful and wonderful and flawless as this. Any show that delves into 18th century politics wins my vote. They fudge the timeline a little, but overall, great.

Only Bleach and Naruto. They’re guilty pleasures. I haven’t had time to slog through review sites to pick out the gems, so I wait for threads like this to pop up and watch what you guys are watching =).