whats anyone think of this idea for a tv show?

Yes. Most of it was morbid curiosity as to how long the bout between Cid and Quina would go on for.

You realize that this is at least about 400 pages for each author right? They would each have to write an early Harry Potter-length novel just to meet the minimum criteria of the script. What’s not taken into account is that this script has to make coherent sense.

You have the first good argument in support of these projects :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope that hahaha smily was to show that you were joking.
First off, they are all still writing three-hundred-some-odd pages, eight-and-a-half-by-eleven, singe-spaced, in one year. It is difficult for most writers to write two hundred of those pages of any sort of quality in a year.
Second, they’d all have to be writing simultaneously for this to be feasible, meaning none of them could base anything of what another writer had said. Meaning, everyone one of those 30-50 writers would completely crush the continuity of the others and make an utterly nonsensical plot.
If you’ve ever tried to get two writers to collaborate, it is often not an easy thing. If you ever try to get fifty to collaborate on a single story each writing novel-length portions with no idea what the other is doing, you are opening the door for death by frustration to walk in and just kill you without so much as a second thought.
It would make absolutely no sense. Are you familiar with the Tom Stoppard, Harlod Pinter, and Samuel Beckett? They wrote modern plays and one of the common themes was that nobody really understood each-other and nothign really made much sense.
Well, they would be proud of you.

Just out of curiosity. What exactly is this show going to be about?

How are you going to show this?

What are you going to use on your show?

Who will be in it?

Where are you going to make this show?

How are you going to make this show?

What exactly is your role going to be in this?

What is your plan?

Do you even have a plan past a 30min show for 365 consecutive days, and is not a soap opera?

Why do you think others would want to watch this?

Oh and here’s a few questions on some small little details like…

Where are you going to get the money for all of the above?

How much do you think its going to cost you?

And finally. How much do you really know about any of the details of the questions I just brought up?

Actually, Arac, I don’t think that Pinter would be proud of this project. The plays he wrote usually at least tangentally showed that they weren’t dealing with their problems, and were not completely in the realm of absurdism. If this project were to go on as planned, then it would fall completely in the realm of absurdism, only it wouldn’t be good.

Pinter got a Nobel.

Yes, yes he did. That’s because his plays are damned awesome (especially The Homecoming).

Now watch Zhare compare himself to Pinter, and say stuff like “I’ll learn to be like him and become awesome like him!” and completely ignore the circumstances that led to Pinter’s awesomenity.

Awww. Now you jinxed it.

I dont even know who Pinter is, I got this idea from 24(each season is in real time of one day) and Deadwood(each episode takes place over the course of one day)
and then I got the idea for a show that has aproxmitly 16 years worth of episodes over the course of just one year

I was more meaning as a facetious “They were trying to be absurd and you beat them at their own game by aciident” compliment, but Pinter would most certainly not really be proud.

I don’t know, I think the show would be good in the how epically bad it is; it has surpassed even the epic levels of bad, and may now have a divine rank in terrible abominations to film and page.
It wouldn’t really be any good, but it might be “good” in the way the fried Twinkie, Snakes on a Plane, and Deathstalker were good.

how could it be so bad its good? this would either be good, bad or so bad it sucks.
so bad its good is camp

That’s the point. Think the real life Batman show.

I think you mean “live action.”

But yeah. Zhare, how do you respond to the problems we’ve tried to explain to you that are associated with having, in your own words, approximately 16 years worth of episodes over the course of just one year!?

Arac: Don’t forget The Hidden… that’s so bad it’s good, but it’s almost TOO bad. It’s certainly the worst horror movie I’ve ever seen besides Zombie Ninja Gangbangers. I wish I was kidding.

… What the fuck.

Live action, egg-xactly. :wink:

The worst horror I’ve seen in theatres is Disturbing Behaviour http://imdb.com/title/tt0134619/.

a show that chronicles one year in the lives of the charactures,:booster: but I thought about this yesterday, make it go twelve years in this way:
July 8 1986-August 8 1986, season one July in whatever year that season is
August 8 1986- Augus 30 1986, season two in August
September 1986- S3
October 1986- S4

and so on in that way, it would be much easier to make with a new episode everey night for a month throughout that season or 30 episodes through the entire season that regular show take

but I still think it would be better for one episode every single night for one year, to get the show over with would be the best idea

Your idea is still insipid. To show episodes every day for a month would be utterly insane. Do you have any idea how many episodes a normal episodic show has? Unless it’s a soap opera, it might not even have half of the ones that you want in a season.

So what you’re saying is the plot will move forward a month and that’s shown over a year? 30 episodes a year is a little more reasonable.

Edit: But getting the show over with wouldn’t be the best idea. Networks need to make money off this so it’ll be partially worth it to have you fill their timeslot. If you have a crappy show they’ll just replace you, gimmick aside.

Making one episode a night is insane. You’re assuming everything will go perfectly, which it doesn’t. That’s why there are several takes done of a scene and why there are editing rooms.

You still haven’t addressed the problem of how this is going to get written. With your new idea either the script will be written years ahead of time (more feasible) or it’ll have to be written overnight (not feasible at all). Think of Saturday Night Live. They write new stuff before the show; sometimes during. I’m pretty sure they spend the rest of the week brainstorming ideas.