What to do with our donations...porn?

After seeing Pierons thread…

Just post

I like Milf.

I made another I demand an explanation Damnit!

Stop talking.

Oh mr.194 posts. You should be pissed too.I dont care if Nulani is a mod or not, I still hate her. ANGER HATE STEROIDS

Sup :smiley:

Edit: Dont make fun of people’s postcounts!

I’m not a mod, but if you keep up this mentality you aren’t going to be lasting much longer around here.

And if you haven’t figured it out yet, Pie’s thread was made in Jest.

It’s called “trolling”: Creating a topic just for the sake of flaming someone. Read rule #13 for more details.

Let’s see how many times we can start a flame war~! :smiley:

I dont know what jest is… but I can see myself getting really embarresed in the near future, Only if you have proof.

Jest = joke.

“Photoshop” is an image editor program and Pierson uses it like nuts. The entire thing is fake.

damn…no more fun then?..no more fun…okay put the torches away Pierson tricked us again.No more of this

Ninja edit :I know what photoshop is. I just did not know he had it

Dude, ouch. That was a total lowblow. Making fun of someone’s postcount is one of the worst things you could possibly do! It’s like tipping over a gravestone or kicking a dog! If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the bathroom with a razor.

If anything, make fun of someone for their join date. Look at his simmer :smiley:

Him > you

Pie did it.I have lost all respect for all pies all over the world.No more Pie.No more Pie! No more pie! Down with pie!

Closed. So very, very closed.

In case you haven’t realized, Simmer, post count really doesn’t mean jack. It’s not going to get people to respect you more, so don’t even try to attack someone because of their post count. It makes you look like a moron.

Also, don’t create spammy threads like this.

Just wanna mention one little thing. Bakufan was visiting the MB back when we had Ezboards at least. Maybe earlier (I wouldn’t know then). I remember when he was like 10.

Haha yeah I remember his Chrono Cross avatar