what the crap it is SNOWING

It’s called GLOBAL WARMING our wold is changing

Heh, I remember this joke. From earlier in the thread. But it’s still a zinger.


I was thinking about that thread yesterday. And then today, when the sun hadn’t got the October memo and heated on as if it was mid-June. Except I needed a sweater & a jacket early in the morning.

North Carolina has been fairly similar but with general cloud cover rather than the flooding (seriously, Sorc, my family’s house is about 5 miles away from some elementary school that was flooded up to its ROOF). As a result of a lot less sunshine, the state has been cooler this fall.

Last week it was snowing. Today we had highs in the 80s. What the hell man.

A couple of days ago this place remembered that it was fall and adjusted the temperature. Now we’re under a torrential downpour. And sometime later this week this will all freeze over turning all our roads into skating rinks (and of course everybody and their brother will inevitably try to perform swan lake with their cars on said roads).
