What should I get for my new apartment?

I’m moving into a new place on Sept 1st. My goal is to have a sick bachelor pad. Between my roommate and I, this is the stuff we already have:

Big screen TV
Surround system
2 Gamecubes
A bunch of older systems
2 sets of turntables

My question is this, what else should I get to make my apartment the place to be? I want some ideas.

(Just so you know, I already plan on having a bar, I just need to figure out where to put it.)

Sofa, Blankets, Pillows. They make any place more… comfertable and welcoming!


Weird ass “art” to hang on the walls. Money-saving tip: Make your own paintings, and just buy the frames!

Microwave man, they are kinda cheap and can cook almost everything. Get a blender too, smoothies rock, especially when you need to get rid of fruit you dont like to eat by itself.

LazyBoy brand. There awesome. :boring:

a girlfriend

Just pool together like 400 bucks or so, and go to ikea.

Grandfather clock. Cuckoo clock.

I supplied both of those for my house. :slight_smile:

A gunrack, it shows you don’t take no guff from no one

Foosball table.

Load-bearing poster. Or art, either way.
You don’t want your walls falling in on all your awesome shit!


My roommate has a ten person poker table too.

I’ll definitely get some artwork for the walls. Loadbearing posters and such.

I like the girlfriend idea and the gunrack idea. I’m thinking maybe I can combine the two. Like have a rack full of girlfriends. Or maybe a girlfriend with a big rack.

A Kotatsu. Y’know, those small tables with heater underneath. Great during winters. Especially if heating is lacking.

Heat is included in my rent. I’m not worried about the winter.

How much is the rent?


$1450 for a two-bedroom. I’m taking the smaller bedroom though so I’m paying less than half. Heat and hot water included.

You could save money if you had a one bedroom and slept with your room mate; women get off on that too ya know.
