What;s going on around here?

I turn my backs for a few seconds (well actually 4 months…) and there’s some guy called Ness who is bashing rpgclassics so I came back and I noticed you guys banned him once or twice (or maybe more times) but it seems like he just keeps on coming back after his ban is up, I say a more severe punishment should be dealt… like Capital punishment!.. if we were still in 1800 Russia, no but seriously he’s just going to keep on coming back…

Ahh, he’s just a small pain in the ass… 8) All he does is complain about one little shrine-in-progress, and I think he’s done with that.

the kids 12. and welcome back Behemoth.

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/subsites/twistedrpg/images/hero/rirseneo.gif”> Welcome back Behemoth. You didn’t miss much on the Pokemon shrine…literally. :smiley:

He was temp banned for flaming once. He’s gone now.

What’s going on around here? Dude, I’ve been here for like four years and I STILL don’t know what’s going on. Good luck with THAT question, man.

-Mazrim Taim

<img src=“http://www.geocities.com/strobalob/man.txt”> BEHEMOTH DO YOU WANT AMERICAN CHEESE?

Originally posted by Mazrim Taim
[b]What’s going on around here? Dude, I’ve been here for like four years and I STILL don’t know what’s going on. Good luck with THAT question, man.

-Mazrim Taim [/b]

That reminds me of a line from the Hitchhiker’s Guide radio show … You know what I’m thinking?

… No.

Neither do I! Scary, huh?

Welcome back Behemoth! I don’t recall this Ness character but I’m sure the mods took care of him. You should never know what’s going on here because it’s just one big lunatic party :hahaha; !

::dekar!::: This is a madhouse, I tell ya! A MADHOUSE!

:fungah:: Switch to decaf, PLEASE!


:fungah:: Why didn’t that accursed worm eat that jerk anyway?! First Weiila plays tricks on me, and then that weird friend of hers drags me halfway across the multiverse to fight my way through an idiot-infested god-forsaken planet…

Originally posted by Manus Dei
:fungah:: Why didn’t that accursed worm eat that jerk anyway?! First Weiila plays tricks on me, and then that weird friend of hers drags me halfway across the multiverse to fight my way through an idiot-infested god-forsaken planet…

Dare I even ask?

Originally posted by Yar Kramer
Dare I even ask?

I would. It wouldn’t be the weirdest thing heard around here :hahaha; .

Welcome back, Bahamut :slight_smile:

And Magus, either shut your pie-hole or do the singogram number Kaiser ordered you to do on my birthday :mwahaha:

Hey B! Didn’t even know you where on here. Welcome back, and yea Ness was a an ass.

Silly lamers think flaming people who come on boards that have no lives is much worse than coming onto the boards and flaming people, accusing them of having no lives.

…if that whole sentence makes sense.

Someone who goes onto an RPG message board to insult us for missing a minor detail on a shrine needs to re-evaluate what they think a “loser” is.

Didn’t even realise that Ness was even still about. Well anyway Sin and the others took care of him rather quickly.

And welcome back I guess.

I think the conversation between sprites proves the sanity of this place.

Originally posted by Mazrim Taim
[b]What’s going on around here? Dude, I’ve been here for like four years and I STILL don’t know what’s going on. Good luck with THAT question, man.

-Mazrim Taim [/b]

No one is meant to know what is going on. The truth is deadly. nod, nod

Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
Hey B! Didn’t even know you where on here. Welcome back, and yea Ness was a an ass.

Haha, but you showed him hayes…you flipped out on the guy!