What martial art would you like to learn?

I’d love to learn Jeet Kune Do or Tourou-Ken.

I seriously don’t know the diffrent types, I just wish I could learn any!

all of them of course

I don’t know many styles. Karate perhaps, I did it when I was younger, almost made it to second degree yellow belt before I stopped. I like the straight to the point, no fancy stuff style.

I don’t really like Karate, because too many people use it.

JKD is awsome, I took it for nearly a year. Prior to that I took 4 years of TKD and a year or so of Wing Chun.

I would LOVE to take capoeira if i could find a good maestre somewhere nearby me heh.

I’ve studied quite a few styles, although never mastered any. I compiled my own style from what I learned of many others, with the major basis on Southern Mantis Kung Fu. If I could learn any style though, it would be Shaolin Kung Fu.

I would like to learn all of them:cool:
I was in Tae Kwon Do (I think I spelled that wrong) when I was little. I only made it to the second belt. My mom pulled me out because a kid who was about 10 years older than me tried to beat me up at the bus stop.

Um there are many different types of karate, not just one. So when people say or think karate is just an independant style, they’re wrong. You can’t just learn “karate” chances are you’re trying to master a certain <i>type</i> of karate. So says my boyfriend, he does Shotokan(?) karate and is well, unbeaten thus far.

So if you really factor in the styles of each martial art, well then you’ll have a hell of a lot of styles so learning all would pretty much be impossible :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I’m ignorant, I know, but I was about 10 when I did it, so I don’t know the name of the specific style.

I would like to learn enough different styles, so that if one style fails/can be countered (by my opponent), I would switch to another.

That way you would be more or less unbeatable in competitions

i’m not allowed to go near human beings, so i’ve got no use for martial arts

WTF? Damage, you’re weird. And that’s by OUR standards o_O

Tae Kwon Do, My friend helping me learn some.

How about you all study the ancient art of Sook Mai Wang? OOOOHHHHHH!!!11

Originally posted by |Damage|
i’m not allowed to go near human beings, so i’ve got no use for martial arts

Oo that has instilled SO much fear in this message board. Seriously.

rrrrrright, but it’s true, i’m a way to loving person, whenever i get close to someone, i want to be in it,

Well, it seems that there are people who lack in knowledge and seek to gain. I am here to teach you.

Karate originated in Okinawa, Japan. There are many Japanese styles which after their name say “Karate”, but they just mean that as a way of saying it’s a martial art. Originally, Shotokan, for instance, was simply called “Shotokan” not Shotokan-Karate.

Kung Fu, originally known on Gong Fu, originated in the Buddist temples of China. The buddiests had no way to protect themselves from bandits and thieves, so they created a way to defend themselves. It is split into various different styles based on animals. A female monk created Wing Chun Kung Fu, which is a softer style than the other Kung Fu styles.

I prefer Chinese martial arts to Japanese as they compliment each other instead of basically all teach slight variations of the same thing.

I absolutely hate Tae Kwon Do because EVERYONE knows it. It is best to learn somethign everyone else doesn’t know because if they know your style, they’ll know your weaknesses. This is why I study a multitude of styles.

I hope I answered some questions for everyone, and if anyone else has any questions, simply ask here or PM me. Talk to you later:)

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