What makes a life fulfilled?



In my opinion, you know, like everyone else.

No one should underestimate the importance of the final leg of the journey. When the train slowly glides in the terminus, when the plain’s landing gear is deployed, or when the boat is about to moor, this is the moment that could define your existence before you pass into oblivion.
I definitely expect fireworks, confetti and cheering crowds to greet me as I cross that finish line; and of course a music band would explode with the “For he’s a jolly good fellow” tune right then. :wink:

May I get your luggage, sir? :wink:

What is this, a porn?

If positive expect a lot of “final leg” jokes.

I’m expecting even more “upright and locked position” jokes. :smiley:

[Insert flight hostess joke here]

And maybe a turbulence joke or two for good measure.

Or if not sticking strictly with the flight motif some mileage jokes can work just as well.

What, do we get flyer miles?

At the Mile High Club.

I am proud of the last few posts turning a deep philosophical topic into a cursory one about sex.

Mission Accomplished!