What is non-existance? Is there such a thing? Is it possible?

No, my mental age ponders over various things that many may just not be able to understand… and no, not crackpot shit, and I listen to the Beatles, Don McLean, Billy Joel etc. why would this be shit?

I’m SICK of people who are unable to understand anything beyond their own shitty little piece of shit narrow-minded life; I know that sounds narrow-minded itself, but really, there are people out there who are just what I have described. And it’s frankly quite sad…


P.S: Where the fuck does the GVT come into this?


EDIT: That sounded really bitchy and braggish didn’t it? Oh well. FREE EXPRESSION FOR ALL!!
There’s your little bit about the government, my little bitch about the dodgy censorship.


I just get the feeling this thread is quite screwed up. Kinda hope it gets locked, too.

But I’m a n00b, so my opinion doesn’t count.

We got your nick by now, Ninten. One signature is enough :stuck_out_tongue:

And ooh, TD is pmsing again. -patpat- Good pony.

Ah, the wonderful phrase “you don’t understand me”. Puny humans creating a wonderful illusion they live in, of being complex and not being able to be stereotyped, but of course, the rest of the world is- and just because they actually know that they’re just as shallow as the rest of them. Wonderful.
…of course, that only counts for the rest of the world. I’m totally different. Nobody will ever understand the complexity of my mind. That’s right, bitches.

It’s impossible to not be on a boat

You’re 13. Stop pretending to have lived. lol. And 16-17 year olds aren’t very wise either. In fact, the vast majority of people at these boards only pretend to know what the hell they’re talking about, when really only 2 or 3 of them do: Sin, SK, and once in a while Saturn or Merlin. That’s about it. The majority of the rest of them spew such unfounded bullshit often enough to never take them seriously EVER.

Ah, the wonderful phrase “you don’t understand me”. Puny humans creating a wonderful illusion they live in, of being complex and not being able to be stereotyped, but of course, the rest of the world is- and just because they actually know that they’re just as shallow as the rest of them. Wonderful.
…of course, that only counts for the rest of the world. I’m totally different. Nobody will ever understand the complexity of my mind. That’s right, bitches.
My peepee loves you DT. This is exactly what I was trying to explain in another thread, about the few not having to prove they are the few, and the majority always thinking they are part of that priveleged few.

I’d feel honored if your peepee didn’t love everybody. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here Ninten, for future referece, I’ve graphed the intelligence of rpgc. You shouldn’t have any problems after this:

<img src=“http://hades.nulani.net/images/rpgcint.jpg”>

BTW Setz + Ramza, I’m only joking :stuck_out_tongue: You’re less stupid than some of the people here who think they’re smart :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know if that broken image is intentional or not Hades. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s something on your end, Cala.

Hades rocks for making the text curve. D:

Do I rock for making my penis curve?

No… just… no.

Anyways, back to contributing to the topic:

The statement made that if my theories were correct, there would be an infinite amount of dimensions: not exactly. Think of it as Chrono Cross. Maybe there is only 2 or 3, or so, dimensions. And each are triggered by an event in time. Let’s say Person A kills Person B, and that event has significance in all the dimensions, assuming there is only 3 or 4, then perhaps they are linked by that event. I know I’m not making much sense, but maybe we are alive, simultaneously in each dimension? If there is only one dimension, then yeah, it falsifies my entie first post, but, if there’s say, 2; Then the death of Person A in dimension A, would be linked to Person A not dying, in Dimension B.

How could the dimensions differentiate between what is significant and what is not? They’d have to either make new dimensions for EVERYTHING or NOTHING.

What if they don’t, though? You’re just taking logical reasoning to figure this puzzle out. What if my idea doesn’t follow human logic?

Then why are you discussing it with humans?

God damnit Hades, you’re evading my question. What if the dimensions don’t follow how we percieve as normal. What if they act independantly, what if they are beings much more advanced than us?

How do you know? Do you know for a fact? Or are you just basing it on HUMAN LOGIC?

Human Logic, for serious. Have you actually explored the possibility of dimensions judging the significance of events? If they could, it invalidates your whole argument against non-existance, which states that there are an unlimited number of realities that humans travel between when they die or something.

I’m just thinking of possibilities, Hades. Either one could, or could not be correct. I’m just stating what could possibly be true. I’m trying to make a point that non-existance does not exist, or, is not possible.

And, if what you said about a limited number of universes is true, the non-existance certainly does exist, no matter WHAT.

Big flaw in your whole Dimensions theory. The String Theory, our most comprehensive theory of how the universe works, limits the universe to 11 dimensions.