What if they had like a FF fighting game?

I’ve never been good at the fighting games. press punch button over and over and hope for the best. But if they did a super smash brothers type thing that would be nice too. Another item could be materia, like fire and blizzard, that you could only carry one type of and use once, but you could collect many of the same type and unleash hell.

Originally posted by PanamaJack
I think the SNES guys characters would wipe the floor with the Playstation ones.

I also think I should stop using Photoshop and get back to studying… [/b]

That was awesome. Oh and don’t forget the good ol’ 8-bit NES characters too.

Fighter vs Cloud. My money’s on Fighter.

Originally posted by ahkeeyuu
[b]That was awesome. Oh and don’t forget the good ol’ 8-bit NES characters too.

Fighter vs Cloud. My money’s on Fighter. [/b]

I dunno about Fighter, but Black Mage would SMOKE Cloud

http://www.mortisland.com (movies, FF1 vs. FF7)

dunno if this needs to be in a new thread but it does involve a fighting game i think it would be cool to have characters from zelda and FF fight eachother!!! i think that would be awesome:hyperven:

A fighting game based entirely on FF characters would be pretty awesome, but how would you work out the magic users? They tend to be physically weak and magic attacks in a fighting game would be a bit wierd.

As for Legend of Zelda characters verse Final Fantasy, are there enough LoZ people to make it worth while? You’ve got Link and Zelda… Ganon and Ganondorf including villains… and kid Link, and the other Zelda. Would you use generic enemies(hmm, fighting as moblins or an octorok)? I think there are too many FF characters to make that option quite as good.

ok ok…i was just saying my opinion thought it would be cool…i happen to like both LoZ and FF so i thought it would be cool if they were together.