What has anyone heard about the Xenosaga anime series?

I heard that the first season has ended. Are there any talks about bringing it over here to the States? And will there be a second season or no?

It was only 12 episodes, I think. I saw the first 2 episodes, and, well, you ain’t missin’ much. :stuck_out_tongue:

I say stick with the game.Its easier.

The anime is entirely pointless, unless you want to hear the Japanese voices. The game is much more in-depth, and the anime is mostly just a rehash.
As far as I know there aren’t any plans to do a second season.

Thanks for the info.

Am I the only one who liked the anime?

That depends. Have you played the game?

What is this crap I heard about the Kirschwassers being relevant, an Anima Vessel on Proto Merkabah and Simeon transforming?


Then yes, you’re probably the only person who liked the anime. But again, that might be just because you liked the Japanese voices. 8p

Seraphim: [spoiler]Yes, all that stuff is true. Based on XS2, it’s not out of line to say that Simeon had an Anima Relic (the other ESes also did). The Kirschwasser in question is actually the very first model, apparently. The Anima Relic combined with the Kirschwasser to make the final boss of XS1, according to the anime. Which is possible, but a little strange. Shion has this whole love-fest going on with the Kirschwasser despite the fact that she met her for all of about ten seconds in the first episode.

To offset this stuff, they pretty much completely chuck Cherenkov out of the picture, along with some other things I can’t remember at the moment. Still, the majority of the anime is word-perfect the same as the game.[/spoiler]

[SPOILER]Of course Simeon had an anima, all the E.S. are named after the Relics in Xenogears, but it was already aligned at the beginning on the story.

Kirschwasser + Anima? That sounds pretty far-fetched considering that aligning the Vessel with a machine and with a living being result in two completely different effects. But I’m not going to enter geek mode right now so I’ll leave it there. And regarding Shion… well, she does have this weird attachment towards Realians because of Febronia, and she didn’t know Cherenkov THAT well either yet you can see her reaction when he’s killed.[/SPOILER]

While I’ll admit that the voices were no small part of my enjoyment of the series, it’s not the only reason. I think the anime was over all, better than the game, to be honest. Despite the changes, I enjoyed seeing the series from a slightly different perspective, and seieng the way it was put together. The animation was superb, and the music impressive… all around it was a great series, and I think you’d be a fool to dislike it because of a few differences from the game, if that’s indeed why you do.

People complain if adaptations don’t follow the plot. Now they’re complaining it’s too the same

The xenoSaGa anime didn’t make sense at all

O_O Xenosaga is NOT part of SaGa series in any possible way.

And Shinryu, I’ve seen snaps of the anime and the graphic quality seems pretty lame for something so recent.

The animation flows nicely, but the style is really odd.
I don’t dislike it because of the changes, I dislike it because it’s almost entirely a slavish copy of the game. You see entire conversations that were lifted word for word from the game. I just don’t see the point in it.

The best video game-anime adaptation I’ve seen so far is Tales of Eternia. It follows a side adventure that doesn’t actually take place in the game at all. That’s really the best way to go about it.