First I have to clean the squadbay all day so that it’ll pass a white glove inspection even though that won’t happen (they’ll just walk through and see if the place is pretty clean for field day). Then I find out that I won’t start my classes for at least 2 weeks. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I have fire watch tonight for a totoal of 8 hours. I’ll be getting about 3 hours of sleep and be working hard all tomorrow. Great… And then the best part of all is that my car was broken into last night and now I have to ay to get it fixed even though my car is all the way out in CA. PLUS! I have to worry about my gear being missing (my Marine Corps issue). Great… What a great end to a fucking craptastic day. ::doh::
<img src=“”> Ow, that sucks. Sorry to hear that… how did you lose your gear, tough?
I kept my gear in my trunk since I had no place else to put it (it bugged my mom when I’d leave it inside since it would take up a good amount of room). The person opened my trunk and possibly took some of it. Maybe not since it wasn’t easy to take my gear out, but I am still very worried since if anythign was stolen, I’ll be spending all the money I earn here since it costs a lot of money.
<img src=“”> Ow, that REALLY sucks. That stuff must cost a fortune.
Damn, man, that’s one day to forget and no mistake. you’ve got my sympathies, for all the good they’ll do you
Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis
<img src=“”> Ow, that REALLY sucks. That stuff must cost a fortune.
Yep, the helmet alone costs about $200.
<img src=“”> Good lord. Isn’t there insurance or something for stuff like this?
The helmet was $200 by itself? Damn, that really sucks, Info. I was going to ask what TD did. Is there insurance or something for that?
Damn, that is a sucky day. Well there is always tomorrow, things could get better.
I’m just glad to hear you’re ok Info. What’s the down low over there?
Someone stole your Marine gear? Goddamn, that’s just fucking gay of them. Faggot should have just gone to a surplus store.
I hope you don’t have to pay for it. I doubt you have the backing of taxpaying Americans.
Ugh that sucks Info. Do you have any idea who might have taken your gear?
Hopefully you’ll be able to find them and use your MArine training on them. Shakes head That’s just sad.
You may wish to rethink your speech when typing around here CalebNova. A lot of people here extremly dislike such usage of those words…
Where abouts are you anyway? You move around a lot.
My car is covered by insurance so it’ll be fixed (along with some minor problems I had before). My gear is the only thing. I think it costs about $1500 though, maybe a little more. I have gortex in there that costs about $140 for the top and $140 for the bottom. I just got an e-mail from my mom and it seems like my gear is all there so I shouldn’t have to worry too much. The cops are going to fingerprint my car to see if they can find out who did it. It sucks not being able to really do anything since my car is so far from where I am. Today wasn’t bad though since I am banking in here. I got paid about $800 bucks which is high for my rank (it is pay for 2 weeks, which isn’t bad considering I have food and shelter covered for free).
Originally posted by Gilgamesh
Where abouts are you anyway? You move around a lot.
I’m in North Carolina right now and my car is in California (quite a distance if I do say so myself).
Originally posted by Infonick
I’m in North Carolina right now and my car is in California (quite a distance if I do say so myself).
So it’s a bit out of the way, is it?
Hopefully your luck improves soon. And that you don’t have drop too much cash to replace stolen gear.