Weiila has a baby!

HA! Weiila reminds me of the one time I went to the San Diego Zoo. I was driving around the parking lot trying to find a spot and there were people everywhere. It was really slow to begin with and worsened by the fact that huge fucking families were everywhere, crossing every which way. I instinctively yelled out “WHAT IS IT WITH ALL THESE FUCKING PEOPLE TAKING THEIR FUCKING KIDS TO THE FUCKING ZOO?!?” before realizing the obvious. Yeah…


Cool, W. I almost exclusively use my netbook these days, except for data transfer. It’s small, but has full-size keyboard (ha!) and plays Total Annihilation and makes me copy lots of cds. Love.

Supposedly 3d games aren’t it’s high point.

This thread scared me out of super lurkyness.

Thanks Weilla, I almost choked on my drink.

Welcome to the club. I just hope that model doesn’t have a tendency to overheat like mine.