Webcam troubles

I have a Logitech webcam that I have used on my older laptop with Windows XP. I try installing it on my new comp that has Vista and it doesn’t seem to recognize it.

I install the driver software and made sure it was compatible with Vista. It is, and when I try to plug it in to a USB port, a “New Device” window pops up but the installation program doesn’t notice it. I know the USB port works because I’ve tried my wireless router in it and it works fine.

Any idea what could be wrong? I’ve been e-mail Logitech back and forth for about a week now. She’s had me do clean installs and disable administrative accounts, but that didn’t work. I knew it wouldn’t because the I only have one account on it anyway.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to know.

UPDATE: Logitech got back to me on their forums. Aparently, the cam is not compatible with Vista. I was wondering why the other rep I was e-mailing me didn’t mention that…