It’s come to my attention that some people have been bothering Crotanks over WalMart, Guitars, or some combination. I’m sure 95% of it is just innocent fun, but it’s the sort of thing that can really annoy someone. Especially when he asks you to stop and you don’t. Since I’d like to prevent another potential Princess Affair, could those of you who overly antagonize Crotanks about that cease? It’d fall under a variety of rules violations. I expect ops not to endorse those sorts of comments too.
Thanks guys, just think about how you would feel if someone was always making fun of something that particularly bothered you. I’m sure we’ve all experienced something similar, and it’s not civil to do it to others when it’s no longer funny to the individual.
Gee, two weeks ago everyone teased me cause I come from a poor country, I resisted it, and now everytime everyone says something along the lines of: “Llama farmer!”, or “Go back to your dirt!”, I laugh my ass off, I think everyone should learn to laugh at themselves a bit
Most comments about Cro and Wal-mart are innocent and funny, no one ever says something like “Oh my god Cro, you bought your guitar at Wal-Wart, you are a fucking poser and I hate you”, they randomly yell “WAL-MART!” when Cro is talking and stuff, who isn’t really annoying, from my point of view.
So… yeah, I’ll stop teasing Cro with Wal-Mart, but I don’t think it’s really a big issue, and I think this kind of measurements are innecesary.
Sure, but just because something may be funny to you and every single other person on the planet, if it’s at another person’s expense and they don’t find it funny anymore, it’s nice to stop it. Maybe he’ll find it funny sometime and it won’t bother him, but otherwise just let it be.
Human psychology is a bitch, isn’t it? There’s no doubt this is going to be a continuing problem; I’m only curious who the next target of ridicule is going to be.
Originally posted by Sinistral Its funny at first, but like all band wagons, it gets old and when you’re at the receiving end, its not cool.
I’d like to point out the “random pwnage” going on. Some people seem to be getting sick of it. And no, I’m not, even though I’m usually “randomly” targeted. Auto-rejoin.
The “random pwns” seem to favor Ramza, then Rirse, then me (or so it seems). If Ramza’s not in the room, it’d be Rirse, and if neither of them are there, it’s me.
No. !random_pwnage kicks anyone below the HOp level. !random_pwn was something we got Zepp to make to kick one person over and over again with the random message. !random_pwnage gets used more, !random_pwn almost never.
Originally posted by Merlin Since I’d like to prevent another potential Princess Affair
The Princess Affair sounds like a spy movie, especially since it’s in all caps.
Originally posted by Merlin Thanks guys, just think about how you would feel if someone was always making fun of something that particularly bothered you. I’m sure we’ve all experienced something similar, and it’s not civil to do it to others when it’s no longer funny to the individual.
You mean like, “Let’s all huggle CH and throw him in the washing machine! Lolz”?
The most important point here is that these jokes generally are only funny if used sparingly, and can quickly become overused and brand anyone that uses them as uncreative humor parasites.