Vending Machines

Better solution. Just be a college kid and go to a bar that dont check IDs. Or get legal friends to buy a drink at a table, give it to you, go to bar (who assumes waitress checked you) and drink all night.

The only vending machines I’ve seen are like the coffee ones in airports. We have a milk machine at school… but yeah. Not cool.

go figure? you live in MI? cuz that’s all they ever do where i live. you put your money in and it refuses to work correctly…no matter where you are in michigan…the ones that DO work are the ones that have their frustration creation mechanisms broken.

I live in Canada where the beer is stronger, the legal drinking age is 18, and the security guards can’t carry guns… and I haven’t seen them before. I seen them in a movie once, mind you thats Hollywood and not Canada soo… go figure.

They still did, when I went there in March and April. Now they just don’t have them everywhere, only in the bad neighbourhoods behind Chiba.

Vending machines are a total rip off. Instead of spending a dollar on some crappy little Coke, I can buy 3 liters of generic stuff at RiteAid for the same price. But I’m cheap like that :slight_smile: Hooray for Big Gulps