User title thread

“Wanna Get High?”

It’ll make more sense, and be funnier, when I can change my avatar.

Originally posted by Cala
[b]Yea, he is possessive…

I’d use TTL, but that doesn’t really reflect me any more… I want something closer to who I am today, rather than who I was when I joined… [/b]

The Huggle Whore? I don’t know.

Here’s mine:


It’s the same as before, which everyone should remember. It was the pic of the spellbreaker (which I’m going to put in my profile soon).

“Soul Stealer” comes to mind.

I should like my title to be: Fashion Statement

I am TOO a peasant!!! :stuck_out_tongue:
Um… well I only had like 550 or so before the deletion… Just as long as my title doesn’t suggest I’m male again, I ought to be OK.

If you can, (I had 500 posts) “Mystic of Fantasy” will be nice^^_^^

I had about 400 posts before the second deletion of bagaloo…
Yes, 400 posts.

I had 650, so when I get 250 then can I have one?

I sense impending doom upon those asking for custom titles when they never reached 800…

We’re angering Sparkles

You only get a title if you had more than 850 before the deletion, not if the sum of your old total and the posts you make now add up to more than 850.

Allright…let’s climb the ladder again then

Heh, fun :smiley:

I had 999 posts, yes I remember the exact amount because I perposely started posting only on the ToB so I could stay at 999 for a long time… but now I have to start over again, again! Heh!

So I guess that works out, since I can post on other boards… umm… I’d like my title to be… uhh…

Nevermind, I like it as it is. Thanks :smiley:


<b>If you didn’t have 850 or more posts before the boards got wiped do not ask for a custom title. You’ll anger Sparkles.</b>

Eden has that really really cute avatar again…

Good job, you people doomed us all. DOOMED. US. ALL. Sparkles is swift and vengeful.

Oh, yes, Eden does have the kawaii avatar again. Where is that from? Is it Magic Knight Rayearth?

Yeah, kepp the avatar, Eden, I like it!

Ya Epic! :smiley:

It is Fuu, from MKR.

Valk, I’ll keep it up for a bit, okay-dokay? :smiley:


Eden-chan has the uber kawaii avvie. You should keep it.