
I think my idea is best. Who DOESN’T want to see a Unicorngliding serenly through space, munching down on planets?

Just so you know, The Last Unicorn was Japanese animation, not British. It was done by the same team that did The Hobbit, which was pretty awful, and Nausicaa: Valley of the Wind, which I hear is pretty darn good.

Wasn’t Nausicaa a Studio Ghibli production though?

That’s not cryptozoology :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: that’s MYTHology. C.zoology is like the study of creatures that have been rumoured or strongly believe to have existed or exist now. Like Big Foot and Loch Ness.

Loch Ness isn’t a myth. I’ve seen it!

You’ve seen Nessy. I saw her too a wee bit in the afty. :hahaha;

Yes this line was ment to suck.

I have a friend who saw Nessie too. He didn’t even have to go to the Loch Ness to see it, all he needed was a few leaves of cannabis.

Actually my post was a bad joke on the fact that Eva said Loch Ness, not the Loch NessMonster, was a myth. >_>

god I hate horses and all things horselike…

I play horsies with my uncle. He rides me like a horse and we have fun. I like horsies.

SAME DIFFERENCE :stuck_out_tongue: English men are such smart asses these days.

TD likes horse meat.

Pretty horsies! With horns and wings!

For years I had a beautiful picture of a pegasus flying through space above my desk, but then we had to move it when we redid my room and I’m not sure where it is now. I’ve also have a large poster of a unicorn that I never got around to putting up.

Never liked horses… But unicorns are rather pretty.