Sorry, I don’t normally do this. But right now I just have to rant.
It is just that last night some fucking moron, tried to burn down the univeresity accomodation I’m living in! They had lit all the gas hobs, the grill and oven, on the cooker in one of the kictchens. AND then placed a sandwhich toaster (which was plugged in) on top of the hobs!
I mean luckily the fire department got there, before it could spread further than the kitchen itself. And the fire alarms got everyone up, and they all quickly got outside, but still.
It is just un-bloody-believable, how stupid some people can be. I mean what the hell possessed them to do something like that. There is now going to be a police/university investigation into who exactly did this. Since it seems that it was actually someone who is living there right now.
Actually, drunkeness seems logical. I couldn’t imagine anyone stupid enough to burn down their own college dorm while sober. Sheesh though HS, I can understand your frustration. Glad to see you’re alright.
Maybe he was ashamed at taking so much electricity out of the socket that he felt bad and tried to put it back in. Stove produces heat, toaster ovens convert electricity into heat (so it must work in reverse!), and puts it back into the wall.
I’d start comparing the list of residents against the list of all people that recently failed a basic physics class.
Setz: No I was fast asleep since this was about 4am when it happened. Took me a minute to figure out it wasn’t my alarm clock making the racket.
Weiilla/Nulani/Omega/Cait: Thanks for your concerns. Yeah luckily all the fire alarms did there job. Although from what I’ve heard some of the fire extinguishers didn’t do there job. Namely they hadn’t been checked, odd since we only had an accidental fire a couple of months ago.
Rhaka: Good logic, but no one I’m living with has a mustache. Several people have beards. But no mustaches. Oh well.
Setz: No I was fast asleep since this was about 4am when it happened. Took me a minute to figure out it wasn’t my alarm clock making the racket.
Weiilla/Nulani/Omega/Cait: Thanks for your concerns. Yeah luckily all the fire alarms did there job. Although from what I’ve heard some of the fire extinguishers didn’t do there job. Namely they hadn’t been checked, odd since we only had an accidental fire a couple of months ago.
Rhaka: Good logic, but no one I’m living with has a mustache. Several people have beards. But no mustaches. Oh well.
Yeah well everything is okay now. The kitchen is back in working order, as of today. And secruity has been increased, with cameras on the entrances, and stuff.
Although I’m not quite sure what good they will do. They may just be using the fire as an excuse to add this extra secruity. Oh well. I’ll only be there for another term.