So I’m eating hotdogs for breakfast, right…
“Wait! Hotdogs for breakfast? What’s wrong with you, Kaiser? That’s SICK!”
…well, there’s nothing else for breakfast that doesn’t require either a lot of preparation time/effort or a lot of cleanup time/effort afterwards, and when I wake up I tend to be hizzella hungry, yo. So hotdogs it is. Easy and short to prep (30 secs tops in the microwave)…
“Well, okay, but still, that’s kinda odd…”
…Right. So, anyway, I put two hot dogs in, and I notice they’re a little thinner than the kind we usually have, but I think eh, no big deal.
They come out, I put 'em on buns, put the ketchup on 'em and all that, and dig in. But as I chew, I notice something is amiss. They taste…off…somehow. So I investigate and, sure enough, it’s TURKEY DOGS, which I’ve never had before. With good reason, I realize now.
Eating them without the ketchupy buns I could kinda choke 'em down (I was really hungry, after all), at least that way they’re kinda like regular turkey. Which defeats the whole purpose of putting them in hotdog form.
Okay, maybe they are an aquired taste, and if you eat them long enough you get used to them, but what I want to know is:
Why would you want to put yourself through the “Getting used to it” period? Who buys this crap? Who likes this crap? Who enjoys this crap?
I mean, I can kinda understand the wanting to lower one’s beef intake and all, but I mean, surely there are less masochistic ways to accomplish this feat. Why not employ one of them?
Okay, so if any of you out there like Turkey Dogs, please explain to me why you do and how you got to that point.