<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/subsites/twistedrpg/images/hero/rirse.gif”> Yeah, I know, the update on the main page mentions this, but since I wouldn’t mind hearing some input, I just decided what the hey! By the way, I am going to attempt to finish the BS Zelda shrine after test week is over. Seeya later.
Nicely done, Rirse. Exellent spritework. Any chance you can send me that “You’re Not Alone” remix that you used on page 5?
Cool, the dark king edit was pretty good, I wasn’t even sure it was him at first, the story seems a little short, butwell thought out, and it looks like you put effort into making it, although I noticed the absence of the any parodies, the new direction seems promiseing. The cliff hanger ending took me by suprise, since it was only the 8th page, the midis you used really enhcanced the experience.
Although I looking forward to the next one, please don’t make us wait 3 months again ><.
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/subsites/twistedrpg/images/hero/rirse.gif”> The new shorter method is what I meant about style change. It was annoying to fill in 18 pages each episode, so it now eight to ten pages each episode, unless major event. And the new episodes will be out in a faster pace, but not fast enough pace to drive people away.
All i have to say Rirse is,nice job is incredible how much the site was improved,keep up the good work.