
The world’s cheesiest script? You should watch Van Helsing ;p

she was taken…by the Trojans.

I could care less if they included the gods or not. Some literary-type people think that you can view the ‘gods’ as being different psychological characteristics of the different characters. For instance, when Aphrodite ‘makes’ Helen go with Paris, its actually her own lust, or when Athena(I think that’s who it is) ‘makes’ Hector confront Achilles, its actually his own fear of shame/sense of responsibility.

that’s a good point. I don’t care either whether the gods are in it or not, it’d make the story kind of goofy as far as a film goes if they did include them. I have a bigger problem with the way they screwed up the character of the personalities in the tale.

I saw it tonight. I really liked it, but I’m a sucker for epics. Yeah, it didn’t stick true to the Homeric version, but I don’t know if I would’ve wanted to have seen that. Antigone is considered a great Theban play, I thought it was interesting, but christ, that’s not what I’m looking for to be entertained. It was an interesting twist and I don’t think Orlando Bloom did a shitty job. We weren’t supposed to like him :P. How much we didn’t like him is only reflected by how well he did his role, however little there was to do at times.

I agree with Merlin that the Gods don’t matter and that you can just as well interpret why a character feels that way because of what the God is supposed to represent. You don’t need to have Aphrodite say “FUCK HIM!”, seeing Helen want to fuck him is enough of a representation of what Aphrodite is supposed to represent.

it was a good movie, just a little schlocky. It’s not Spartacus and it’s not even Gladiator, but it’s ok.

<a href=“”>I have a feeling this movie is going to make Troy look like Disney’s Hercules</a>

Oooh. I wish they didn’t start the preview in such a corny way though.

Hah! Horatio Hornblower is Lancelot! That’s fucking awesome!

<div align=“center”><img src=“”></div>

Oh, TD, when I read PA today I was hoping someone would post that in this thread.

the subtitle to a movie site’s review of Troy said “The Hulk, Legolas, Lawrence of Arabia, Boromir, and – well – Brad Pitt” do battle, or some such :stuck_out_tongue:

<a href=“”>The first trailer</a> for the Arthur movie makes it look even cooler than the one I posted yesterday.

I went with my cousin and a friend of his. On the way home, my cousin’s friend and I were talking about how different it was from the Illiad, and my cousin loved the movie so much that he didn’t want to hear anything that could mean there was something wrong with the movie that he covered his ears and started going “LALALALALALALALALALA!” (improved his driving though).

The biggest thing with me was how they compacted the 10-year war into less than 3 weeks and how they had Apollo as the sun god.

I actually said it…

well, to be fair, the events in the Iliad take place over a period of just a matter of weeks, like in the movie. What the movie did was tack on the beginning and end of the war, and pretend like the first 8 years of the war didn’t happen (the Iliad covers part of the 9th). And Apollo is at times referred to as the sun god, it can get confusing between him and Helios at times in Greek mythology.

I wanna go see Troy so I can scream “ARWEN, YOU FAT BITCH, COME OUT HERE!” in the middle of it.

Cookie to those who gets the ref.

My sister’s verdict: “It tells a good story. It’s just not the Illiad.”

Good film, too many slow parts and it’s too long for it’s own good. I did 2 or 3 loo trips (long pees if you’re wondering) and I think I didn’t miss much, unlike LOTR:ROTK. I wouldn’t rush to see it again, unlike some others (LOTR:ROTK).

My comments in the Film are:
Effects during the attack on troy:

Looks like they Just Didn’t take Legolas and Boromir!

Guess! (Hint: “The old in-out”)

Brad, Ack No! I think I need to go the loo again!

Big Nutter
3/5 - I’ve seen B Movies higher. Mystery Space Theater 3000 is 4/5.

They both leave out that big middle chunk, but Troy gives the story a sort of fluidity that prevents the viewer from noticing years went by.

It’s not that Apollo is referred to as the sun god, it’s just that he and his twin sister, Artemis, were compared to the sun and moon - equals over their own realms, yet opposites.
Would you call going from the god of Music and Medicine to the god of the sun a promotion? The sun god gets some serious reverence, but Helios never got the time to fool around as much as the other gods (and Apollo was big on partying)