Alright so I babysat for this kid all week who is really a TOTAL brat. He’s a hyper active 8 year old, and about two weeks ago, I said he could play my gameboy colour which I haven’t used for roughly 4 years. Since it was just sitting there, I figured I would sell it to him and I’m pretty sure his mom will buy it for him for 45 bucks. She’s thinking about it anyways.
So in the meantime I’m letting him borrow it. Trouble is, this boy has a history of stealing, lying, etc, and so when I babysit him he’s not very…calm and understanding when he gets in trouble. Meaning, if I say he needs to get off the nintendo 64 because I want to have a turn, he’ll take the controller and try to hit me with it thinking he’s joking around, or he’ll grab the game and run. He also thinks this is funny and just a joke. So three days ago when he did this, I said I was taking back my gameboy if he did not listen to me and share his nintendo (hey it was Mario Party 3! it was fun!) and I did so. He blantantly stated <i>I don’t care</i> like any kid who secretly does. I put it away and when he was being good later, he asked me for it back, a bit embarrassed, and I gave it to him again.
Now yesterday he pulled the same stunt, and actually told his mother that I play nintendo all day and that I’m not fair to him, which I am. And I don’t play nintendo all day, I give up about an hour later, but he tries to butt in on my game and I yell at him and explain that I am having my turn and he can have his turn after mine. Well regardless he still made me look bad in front of his mom whom I’m hoping doesn’t believe him. I took my gameboy away again after that and he said he didn’t care.
Now he has it again TODAY, at my house and I have no idea where he found it. I took it back from him, a bit fed up. I need some blackmail as well when he gets out of hand.
So…am I being mean or too childish for taking it away from him? I mean, I could find someone else who wants to buy it, I just don’t want this kid walking all over me because of this.
Or should I keep it from him until he buys it?
Or should I just sell it to someone else? It would teach him a lesson but I don’t know if that would go over well with he or his mother…he doesn’t listen to me enough as it is…
Suggestions? I’m not exactly good with kids, you see.