The three laws of robotics

Andrew! I would never have remembered that that movie was called Bicentennial Man. It think that’s the Andrew one, anyway.

If memory serves, the First Law of Robotics was also mentioned in Mega Man X.

  1. Never let Ren near the funny.

Except, as I said, this is in a specific author’s books- and while many people copied him a lot of people didn’t. These commands weren’t just rules robots had to live by, every single robot had these rules programmed into him as a safety measure against human beings. Also, if memory serves, Mega Man doesn’t really kill any humans except Dr. Wily, so he ALMOST follows them. =p

When did X or Mega Man kill Wily?

For a second there I thought you were hailing me. For my name is, in fact, Andrew. :stuck_out_tongue:

But yes, that is the robot’s name. Robin Willians was okay though. Coulda been better.

Well, the entire reploid race disobeyed the first two laws (assuming following orders is second), given how they went on a genocide-of-humans gig.

But as for mega man, I do know he tried to kill Wily in MM7 (not MMX), but failed. but he was clearly about to, and if Bass hadn’t intervened, he would have succeeded.

I havent played MM8 yet.

He didn’t in 8.

I’m pretty sure he lowered his blaster before Bass crashed the party.

I thought megaman was a cyborg, and only part robot

well, guess im a moron

Nope, Mega Man is a full robot, and some would even argue that he and X could be one and the same.

There’s no arguing, it says they are the same one somewhere in the games.

I don’t think they are the same. The same actual robot at least. For example, X was built to improve upon itself with the armor, whereas Mega Man wasn’t.

Also, Mega Man is a reploid. How that’s different from a robot, I’m not sure.

It’s never said in one of the games.

Deleted! Robocop 2 and 3 were on UPN last night.

Actually, neither Megaman X (and therefore, we presume, Megaman) or Zero were reploids. Cain found them both and reverse-engineered them (perhaps not entirely successfully, witness the Mavericks and Sigma) to create the reploids (according to Capcom). A reploid is just a fancy X-term for a robot. Capcom suck at continutiy.

Yes, they do. Although I am certain that none of the X characters are “remade” from original series characters.

It’s generally assumed by most people (thanks a lot BnG) that Megaman was locked into a capsule for upgrade and ‘ethical programming’ testing or something, and woke up in 21XX, or whenever the X games were set. Makes a kinda sense I suppose.

X was locked in his box for 30 years, but wether X was Rock or not is up to debate (mostly due to no evidence of it).