Holy Shit !!!
A very interesting article about 3 of the smallest developping companies ever in the Shooter market The last one is doing a DC conversion of his game ALONE, now that’s hardcore !!! =O
At the very least, Milestone will be known over here than to Chaos Field being released on GC… They’ll need all the support they can get, do them a favor when it comes out !
That article was sad. I didn’t know that Compile was gone.
They had gone under in 2001, if I’m not mistaking. Tis sad indeed =( But at least Milestone is trying to do something from the experience/inspiration Compile left behind.
Edit : So nobody but Sat bothers to give their thoughts ? ;_; My god people, are RPGs really the only genre you play ?
I like a lot of genres. Lately, I primarily play RPGs, Shmups, and Survival Horror. Oh, and whatever genre Katamari Damacy is.
I play RPGs, RTSs and TBSs mainly with some limited FPS and extras for multiplayer Nintendo has.
Oh well… I’ll be importing those DC games as soon as I can afford them I’ll support those little guys.
Of course, I play other genres as well… but my recent RPG burnout got me to look into that genre more than ever.
If you’re importing DC shooters, get PSYVARIAR 2. It’s FREAKING AWESOME.
Oh, you can bet I’ll get that, I loved the music on it, awesome piano/pounding techno bliss I wonder if it is easier than Cave’s Manics… <.<
Hopefully Streetwise doesn’t assrape the legacy Final Fight left behind.