Man, next month is a promotion time for the reserves and I was hoping to get Corporal since I’m getting up there in points (I’d have already picked up Corporal if I was active duty). Well, I checked yesterday and I’m not, but these two fucks that were junior to me are. Not only that, but both of them have lower scores than me which really pisses me off. On a scale of 300 possible points for a PFT, I have 50 to 60 more points than both of them. Not only that, but there rifle score is only 1 or 2 points higher, out of 65, than mine which wouldn’t offset the difference in our PFT scores. The only thing that I can think of as to why they are getting promoted before me is because their platoon is full of shitbags and they shine in comparison. Their platoon is so bad that they even had a Corporal that couldn’t even pass a PFT or keep up with a run. It is just really pissing me off. Now I have tow ait until March for my next shot at Corporal.
You can’t bring it up with your promotion guy?