The father of the web has been knighted! – 31 December 2003 – Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web and director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), will be made a Knight Commander, Order of the British Empire (KBE) by Queen Elizabeth. This was announced earlier today by Buckingham Palace as part of the 2004 New Year’s Honours list.

Sweeeeet… :cool:

That is SO cool. Finally them knight someone who deserves it. Not just some silly musician. cougheltonjohncough

Al Gore?

Go Tim \m/

I think this should have been made years ago. Anyway, hail! All bow before Sir Berners-Lee!

Are you always this late?

It’s a cool, if not exactly important event. It will at least give him some kind of reward. I’m pretty sure most people think the Internet magically appeared, had always been there, or that Al Gore invented it.

Originally posted by Merlin
Al Gore?

If Al Gore is ever knighted, I’m going to commit sepukku. ><

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
If Al Gore is ever knighted, I’m going to commit sepukku. ><

Same here.

Originally posted by Merlin
Al Gore?

That comment about him inventing the internet was taken out of context AND misquoted. He said, and I quote:

“During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet.”

Like most members of Congress, he took credit for something which he funded and promoted."wolf+blitzer"+"during+my+service+in+the+united+states+congress,+I+took+the+initiative+in+creating+the+internet"/v=2/SID=e/l=WS1/R=2/H=0/*-

Cool says I =)

Even if Al Gore had created the Internet (which he didn’t; If I’m not mistaken Vinton Cerf created it), Tim Berners-Lee did create the Web. They’re two different things :wink:

It couldn’t have just been one guy, the CIA likely had a team responsible for the internets creation. I suppose you could look to the team leader, or whoever spearheaded the project, but not just one person.

Originally posted by Wertigon
Even if Al Gore had created the Internet (which he didn’t; If I’m not mistaken Vinton Cerf created it), Tim Berners-Lee did create the Web. They’re two different things :wink:

Did you even read one word of what I wrote? :o

CC: Yes, I was merely clearing up a misunderstanding (The Web is not The Internet).

Cloth: ArpaNET (The network later replaced by Internet) was invented by some guys at a café atleast. I think it was two or three people talking, and they drew the concept on a napkin. =) (And no, I’m not making this up).

I’m not sure if it was Vinton Cerf or not, but I do know he invented the Internet Protocol (IP for short).

Uhhh, no. It was created by the CIA as a method of communication that could not be knocked out.

Originally posted by ClothHat
Uhhh, no. It was created by the CIA as a method of communication that could not be knocked out.

And now it can. Lovely. But not completely.

Little known fact: the very first node of ARPAnet was created at UCLA. :cool:

It might have just been one guy, as CH says, but he deserves the recognition. R0x0r. :smiley:

Hmm… Did some googling, and found this site (among others):

Vinton Cerf did not invent the Internet, however he was the first person to speak about it and he did invent TCP/IP, the protocols that allowed a network to still operate even if 90% of the computers were taken down. Another interesting thing to mention is that the US had nothing to do with the construction of the Web at all, since that was all the work of CERN. =)

And Cloth: Officially, (D)ARPA made ARPANET, but the guys behind ARPANET did draw the first scetch of the concept on a napkin when they were sitting at a café and talking. Just another one of those worthless facts. =P