The failure of rpgclassics represents the failure of socialism and democracy

I must have been on a multi-week long fueled by two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls when that one happened.
When you made your FF6 shrine, you must have been, like, the most productive 12-year-old in the world. Like those Asian babies who play Mozart sonatas before they can talk, but with video games.

Did that EVER get finished?

Ramza: I have a PhD from doing cancer research, I have 2 years of med school left. After that I’ll be specializing to treat patients with cancer and do further resesarch. While I don’t intend on doing primary care (I’d rather put a bullet in my head), I do intend on mixing tertiary care and research. It just takes a while to get there.

Zep: CHRIST I remember that. FUCK. Urgh. I remember he didn’t like Luna though… What ended up happening to Luna?

I prefer FFV to FFVI and FFVII, but I will admit that FFVI is the best one overall (as objective as video game preferences can be at least). FFVII isn’t so great compared to IV and VI. I would argue that the music in FFV is on par with FFVI and FFVII, but can understand that others would prefer the latter simply because Uematsu improved with each game.

There is no FF6 Shrine. There never was any FF6 Shrine. RPGClassics has always been at war with RPGamer.

I made the FF6 Shrine. And yes it is complete I completed it around August 17th 4:69 pm. I consider it one of my best works, to be honest.

My mistake August 25th. My father’s birthday.

I agree that FFV deserves more credit than it gets, especially the music. Yuna’s theme, which is famous from Suteki Da Ne, is mostly a remix of Lenna’s theme. I actually have a recording of them playing on top of each other. And then there’s Ahead On Our Way, Dragon Spreads Its Wings, Gilgamesh Battle, and the whole ending sequence–fantastic stuff.

FFX, probably my favorite other than Tactics, then probably 9 then 4

To be fair, a lot of people were like that back then due to the general lack of good stories in games. Back then a lot of RPGs were about some kid left without a home going off to save kingdoms from wizards/dragons/empires/generic villains of the weak while also finding out that he’s Jesus except without all that boring dying on the cross BS and instead saves the world from whatever dark god of the weak with the powers of love and friendship all to woo that girl next door/every female within his general vicinity without having to stop pretending to ignore her/them.

Nowadays most of us have given up on that due to the genre’s overall lack of evolution (or even regression) in the gameplay department over the last 20 years in hopes that the newly found verboseness of the genre is put to better use than having a massive clusterfuck of completely illogical circlejerk arguments about things that happened 20 minutes ago and could’ve been summarized in about a sentence and a half.

As for FFs V, VI, and IX have sorta become my favorites over the years. V for gameplay, VI for characters, and IX for world building.

A lot of people are still like that today. Fanboyism has always been and always will be. People will make irrational, unfounded statements based on biases they can’t perceive that have little to do with the message that they’re trying to communicate. In the process, they’ll also let themselves be overtaken by nostalgia, giving them the delusion that there is such a thing as the “good old days”, while ignoring the occasional reminder of how things REALLY were. For example, I’m sure many people here watched stuff like Captain N and the Super Mario Brothers Super Show and later found them on the internet to not be quite what they perceived it to be. Similarly,we can point to how Duke Nukem Forever was supposed to be a throwback to the 90s and people complained when it actually was. The Japanese games industry has been in this hole for the better part of the decade, ignoring the successes of games like The World Ends With You in favor of grindy generic fucking bullshit with bad voice acting and the same story we’ve seen since we were less than 10 years old.

To be fair, the situation HAS been changing in the latter years, you just don’t see that in the fossilized big name series. Final Fantasy has always been a terribly stagnant series and it’s no surprise that the core of it continues unchanged.

There are a good number of games that have been trying new stuff or at least throwing a twist to the MEDIEVAL/STEAMPUNK KNIGHT GUY SAVES KINGDOM-BANGS PRINCESS scheme, or have always been there but are just now getting ported.

MegaTen games have always been atypical in everything they do, and from Nocturne onwards have become actually fun to play, and their own trademark aesthetic and style has only diversified with time from the core stuff like Strange Journey to the lighter latter Persona games. A lot of smaller developers seem to be catching on to the fact that there are other ways to do combat as well, TWEWY isn’t the only one. The much-lauded Radiant Historia does some very interesting stuff with combat positioning and movement for instance, so “hit it until it dies” is usually the last thing in your mind while playing. Then there’s Gust on the super-weeaboo niche, a company that outright BLOWS MY MIND with how quickly they’ve evolved, how amazing some of the mechanics they’ve come up with are and just to which degree they are utterly wasted in their cookie cutter low-budget bullshit. I’ve said this before, but Mana-Khemia and Ar Tonelico 2 have INCREDIBLE combat systems that are sort of distant relatives of the Valkyrie Profile system but far more awesome. Too bad they’re in the games they are. AT’s setting is also incredibly cool and original and they blew it on a faux-dating sim game.

Overall, the ideas and proof of concept are there and the sales usually back them up. But as with everything else, you won’t see the new stuff show up on the crystallized old-legacy franchises, which are the true big budget titles for now.


P.S. |-P

Now Cless where have you been lately I feel like I don’t ever see you

You know what. Fuck you. You and your timezones.

Med school takes up all your time and drains your soul (>LOL TYPICAL ASIAN JOKE HERE<) :E

Also what little spare time I do have I spend on dota and SC2, but I do check the forums and pop back into chat once in a while

aye… I am lost Cless! I need your direction I have fallen apart without you and Kor

Shouldn’t the typical Asian joke here thing go after spending all your time on dota and SC2?

Sometimes I wonder if Cless is my college roommate, who is an Asian in a highly ranked med school and spends his spare time playing DotA and Starcraft II. Unfortunately, he’s not from Canada.

Cless is from Canada. He’s just in Florida right now.