The eternal site.

I was thinking about all of the old times we used to share back in the day, the years and years spent posting, then leaving for prolonged periods of time to have my thread deleted and my postcount lowered, so on and so fourth. I remember when I was Loser of the Week for like three months straight in the chat room. We’ve seen a lot of people come and go, but for some reason the same core group of people has stayed. RPGC has been such a large part of my life, my sister even married an old admin (Black_Ninja)! I kind of miss the old days of the site, but it’s good to look toward the future and try to ignore the massive amounts of typoing teenagers that appear in waves every so often. The question lingers, however: Why do we all stay here, and if we do leave for a while, we come back, why is this?

Easy, we’ve nowhere else to go or be.

this is where the outcasts of society feel like they belong.

This is the only site that isn’t blocked by my work’s firewall.

Oh, and you guys are cool too.


I wondered this, too. i tried leaving this place months ago, since it didn’t interest me anymore. But I came back eventually. Partly, I think it was because of this weird sense of duty I feel, what with being a Mod and all, but also… Quite frankly, this place helped me become who I am today. I’m sure a bunch of the old-timers remember me when I first came here 3 years ago, and how I was… well, stupid. No stories or discussion about that time, please, since I regret nearly every moment of Babel by now. But now, I jsut feel, if not respected, at least tolerated, which is nice.

Edit: whoo, 4,000th post. Somehow appropriate here.

I guess I’ve grown attached to the way things go around here. To be honest, I’m not even sure why I still post here, because I barely even play video games anymore. Maybe I have an addiction problem to internet forums. HAHAHAAHAHAHAAH!!!

gravity :maho:

I’m a masochist.


Staff porn archive. 'Nuff said.

The people. The humor. The sense of comradeship. [STRIKE]Maintaining the Staff Porn[/STRIKE].

I’ve been here for quite a while myself, since I was a dumb(er?) kid, and I just plain like it here. You guys are nice, helpful, and fun to talk to. Most of you, if you were to leave, I would really and truly miss. You guys have become a sizable part of my life, and I really enjoy being part of this community. There aren’t many people I really enjoy being around for any reasonable length of time outside of my family, my few friends at school, and you guys. Thanks for being here, guys.

I think the answer is “Unban Ramza from the chat”

Definetivly the Staff Porn Archive.

…I mean. I just come by to see how things, here, are going. Nothing changes much, honestly.

To oversee it all. I was but a wee lad when I started watching over this stuff…

And now I’m … huge.

You people saved my life, twould be a little ungrateful to leave now, wouldn’t it?

That, and it’s fun.

That’s about it. And bickering over completely inane crap, I love doing that.

Because of the people.

Mainly cause I’ve never seen another forum with the level of intelegence a lot of our members hold themselves to. My favorite threads are the political and scientific debate threads where Sin and SK, and all the others who are too smart for thier own good come out with essays every other post. And the same people still can have fun in your typical “I like/hate X” threads.