And it’s…Be quiet, I’m tired
Yet another social science research project that proves something everyone already knew. There have been tons of these things recently, and they all cost money. I wonder if this is yet another sign of the decline of American civilization?
Yeah, I’ve gotta admit this shit is pointless. IT’s pathetic that instead of doing something USEFUL like finding a cure for cancer or aids…these scientists are running experiments to figure out what type of body hair people will have.
I have body hair! I remember when people used to tell me to go grow pubes after I owned them hardcore
I miss those days
Man: Ha! I found a study that PROVES women talk more than men!
Woman: Well? It’s because women always have to repeat themselves.
Man: What?
For the people who didn’t bother to read the article, the author of that book is, in fact, an author and a social <i>philosopher</i>, not a scientist. He <i>drew on</i> research from the past two decades to give some semblance of scientific backing to his sensationalist bullshit.
Yeah, I usually just skim through those articles, I’m lazy like that :get it?:
Ignoring Cless’ very important point, you must realize that social scientists don’t find cures for diseases.
They have to find something to do with all that time they wasted in college.
Fweh, psueudo-science. He probably wanted to have an excuse to use at home, so he wouldn’t have to admit he’s a lazy pigheaded bum.
What an annoying person that seems to be. Just to put things mildly.
The social sciences are not a waste of time; to say that is ignorance of what social science truely is. A social scientist’s job is not to repeat platitudes. A good social scientist must do thorough research behind any theory that they propose just like a natural scientist might. Durkheim didn’t typify suicide by pulling it out of his ass. He had the data to back it up.
But yeah, this is a social philosopher. Philosophy is, again, not a waste of time. Without the ancient Greek philosophers you wouldn’t have natural or social scientists.
Also, none of you actually seem to be reading the article. This man didn’t find out that these things occur. He claims to have found out WHY they occur. Its a soundbite article and so its difficult to assess what Gurian’s actual point is, but it doesn’t seem like he was wasting grant money. Of course, the big problem with what is seen in the article is that these are not fundamental differences between all men and women. My relationship with my girlfriend is just about reversed here (excepting the thing about the dust on the furnature).
That, and get payed for writing a book about it.
We pretty much already knew why they occured, though - men and women are different because they evolved for different purposes.
and have people like us make him semi-famous by shit talking about him on their forums.
It’s still a pseudo-science and his motive is still arguable. I haven’t said that social-philosophy isn’t important, but this is hardly social-philosophy, what he attempts to do is form a guesswork theory from scientific material he most likely doesn’t have the competence to say anything about at all. It could be that the article gives the wrong impression by solely focusing on his conclusion, rather than what’s important in philosophy, namely the argument, but it still falls firmly into the category, pseudo-science. I still say fweh.
I agree with the first part of your statement here, but I’m not sure I would consider this psuedo-science. If said philosopher actually says that he claims this to be a scientific endeavor, then I would agree with you. However, I would not think that a good philosopher would claim as such. An unreliable internet source would, however.
It still firmly falls into the category pseudo-science, not because he claims to be a scientist but because his theory is impossible to falsify, the same way it’s impossible to falsify Marixism and Darwinism, but that’s not really the reason why I call it pseudo-scientific rubbish: It’s psudo-scientific rubbish simply for its contents, the same way Creationism is.
I read it through again, and I agree with Nulani, it’s pseudo-science.
That article is soooooo wrong. My brother and I used to share a room and at night he wouldn’t stop talking about some stupid made up field trip to the garbage dump where they all ate garbage and I’d always be like I’M TRYING TO SLEEP VILE BEAST! But he’d just keeep on talking!