All of Ontario, and apparently all of Michigan and New York as well. All from one power plant catching on fire.
Damnit >.<
I win
I thought it was only Toronto and not all of Ontario…?
All of Ontario except for 2 or 3 little communities that had their own generators.
What amazes me is how CALM people have taken things (according to CNN, anyway.) I was expecting lots of panic and looting.
Could it be that people are GASP! actually learning how to behave in a crisis…?
Originally posted by Wilfredo Martinez
What amazes me is how CALM people have taken things (according to CNN, anyway.) I was expecting lots of panic and looting.
Could it be that people are GASP! actually learning how to behave in a crisis…?
Yeah, they’ve finally learned to do their looting discreetly so there isn’t a bunch of competition for the best stuff.
There are still conspiratists out there…my mom thinks it’s a…terrorist attack. Yeah pretty calm terrorist attack.
Life without power? Major disasters? Welcome to California!
Originally posted by Xelopheris
All of Ontario, and apparently all of Michigan and New York as well. All from one power plant catching on fire.
That is a rumour. Don’t go spreading rumours as truth. The power plant got struck by lightning, and there was no fire.
Sorry, I was just repeating the front page of, and what the Prime Minister’s representatives said.
Yeah apparently the lightning thing was a huge rumour because the closest lightning strike was in Maryland…or so I’m told. And besides right now they’re preaching that it’s either an overload, or a fire, which I don’t believe.
All of lower michigan, I only lost power for like 10 minutes, then about and hour later becasue I’m a bit farther north, but then it came back on.
i was in the dark all yesterday… my power came on about 20 minutes ago… =(
From what I know, the entire Northeast was hit, and so was most of New England. It also spread to Detroit. Some of you remember where I live, so it’s easy to guess that I lost power. I lost it at about 4:00 PM and it came back on at about 5:00 AM.
It wasn’t too bad without power though…my friends came over and we had a BBQ.
/me huggles everyone that had no power.
Oh yeah just lovely, its making my life a bloody nightmare, I’ve been running around at work all morning trying to get everything working again. We never lost power but most of our servers are in affected areas, right now our mail server, our main resolver and our voice boxes are all down. Its sort of hard to work without those, on the bright side my PC is th only one in the whole company on which everything still seems to be working, go figure =^.^=
They sure must have put a lot of work into the American power grid.
Oh yeah. We had a poer outage unril maybe four hours ago. Library’s still closed.