Tell me abot War Craft 3 Frozen Throne

The thing what i hate about frozen throne is when you play tower games people take spots and theres like nowhere ecept the middle where people have there towers :hahaha;

and these guys think BGH is bad… can I eat the n00b’s face or does someone else want it?

… it seems like you already know a little about it, but, okay, I guess.

WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne is the expansion pack for Blizzard’s WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos. It is a “Real-Time Strategy” game developed concurrently for personal computers using both Microsoft’s Windows operating system, and Apple’s Macintosh OS. It uses a 3D isometric perspective that makes it different from other 2D top down games in the series. Also, it features a “leveling” system with certain “Hero” type characters (mainly those important to the story) who can fight enemies and gain experience to earn new abilities, and greater health. The game strays from the first two entries in the series by introducing two new races, the undead and the night elves, who you can play as, along with the traditional orcs and humans. WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne was released in 2003 as an “expansion pack” for the previous WarCraft III title, Reign of Chaos. This means that you must own the previous game, and have it installed. The new game adds new single player scenarios for each of the four races, as well as new heroes and units for use in the highly competitive online mode, which can be played for free via Blizzard’s “” service.

That should just about explain it. I’m sure I left some stuff out, but I’m tired. Others feel free to append.

I liked Frozen Throne a lot better than the original campaign. Mostly due to the new heroes. They were a lot better than simply “I am good/evil! I will defeat the evil/good and save/rule thr world!”

Blizzard has a thing for the evil underdogs it seems. <3 Sylvanas.

I didn’t see any rule violations so I reopened… if any other mods/admins thinks otherwise, please post why first.