Tech Help

I think i might be breaking a rule here…
Please tell me if I am.
Otherwise, i need some help.

I Downloaded some Rom Save States for some ZNES emulator games.

I put the files in the rom folder i have corrisponding to the emulator.

The problem is that i cant load the states.

Anyone know anything about loading states from files???

Or does anyone know someome who does???


Is your emulator in the same file as the savestates?

And Are You Sure that The Savestates have the Same Name that Your ROM?


im going to walk you through my file system for my roms and emulator in ZNES

i have xp so we are going to start in Docs&sSettings

then i go to owner

then to a folder called SNES

in it are two folders

one is the emulator and dlls and extentions that it needs SPECIFICLY

the other folder is where the roms are and where i put the save states

that help you?

edit: does the names matter

i do think some of them do not match

Umm…yeah…The Names Matter…The Save State Must Be In The Same Foder and Have The Same Name Than The Rom…

So…If The ROM is named

The Savestate must be named


I think save states generated by an emulator don’t work in another emulator. So maybe you donwloaded some Snes9x roms and now that you’re trying to load them in Zsnes…

Originally posted by Ren
I think save states generated by an emulator don’t work in another emulator. So maybe you donwloaded some Snes9x roms and now that you’re trying to load them in Zsnes…

No i am sure that they are ZNES

how do you load them


thats what i need

F3 button to select the state, F4 to load it.

edit: Xelo beat me to it.

Originally posted by Xelopheris
F3 button to select the state, F4 to load it.

how do i know what i am loading???

Press F3 to select a state slot. Select the slot, then F2 will save there and F4 will load whatever is there.

Originally posted by luke skywalker
how do i know what i am loading???

Different Slots Have Different File Exstensions

Slot 0 = .zst
Slot 1 = .zs1
Slot 2 = .zs2

And So On…Until .zs9


that is what i needed