Tales for the 1337( Flash thingy)

I thought of you guys when I saw this, and I apologize if it’s already been posted before or not to your liking:

Romeo and Juliet in 1337

It’s a bit crappily done (and indeed the 1337 could have been done much better as we all know) but I just got an insane case of the giggles when What Is Love? started to play. Use your own judgement I guess.


The start really reminded me of the openings from Tales Of The Crypt Keeper. Which it was probably supposed to…

7|-|47 !5 ||07 1337!

It is certainly hosted on the right place. You need to be really bored to be amused by it, to not get bored by it even.

The music was what kept me watching. That and my understanding of the entire play I guess

Remember when I invented this concept? Only I used Macbeth.

My headache just got worse >_<.

I’ve seen this before. It made my brain go hurty hurty. x_X

Ah sowwy guys…

Wow. That was complete and utter garbage. I couldn’t bear to watch any more than the first scene. It should have been called Romeo and Juliet in Lamer.


Originally posted by Evangelion
The music was what kept me watching. That and my understanding of the entire play I guess

I think it was from that modern romeo and juliet redition they did a few years back. Cant remember the name of the movie though.

It wasnt reall 1337, more like AOL speak. Still cool though, i liked it because of how crude the people were.

Originally posted by Devillion
I think it was from that modern romeo and juliet redition they did a few years back. Cant remember the name of the movie though.
Yeah, it was just called Romeo and Juliet. It was basically the original script (probably slightly modified) but in a modern setting. Rather funny when they’re talking about long swords and a guy is handed a sniper rifle (in a helicoptor no less). It actually wasn’t too bad.

Originally posted by Nulani
It is certainly hosted on the right place. You need to be really bored to be amused by it, to not get bored by it even.
You’re amused by Mac Hall and you talk about having to be bored to enjoy something? How ironic.

This movie is old, but still great. It only sucks if you don’t know the original play.