I’m playing Tactics again for the Nth time, and this time around I’m trying to get every item in the game. That means a lot of poaching for me. I’m currently trying to get Rubber Suits from Hydras. When I get into Deep Dungeon, I’m going to breed some Uribos to get some Ribbons. But I’m having a hard time getting the rare items when I poach.
Are there any tricks to getting the rare items? I know when your Move-Find person has low Brave, they find rare items easier. Is there some poaching equivelant? I know Brave has nothing to do with it, I experimented with that. Could Faith influence it at all? Does it have anything to do with the zodiac sign of the monster and what date you poach them? Is a certain job better at poaching? Does the monster’s level matter? Or is it predetermined at birth what item the monster will poach into?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.