Survey Of Utmost Importance!

Fun Fact! HHH currently sports a beard in tribute to Lemmy and vintage Harley Race! But mostly Lemmy. He’s a big Motörhead-head. They sing his theme song as well as Evolution’s old one.

Uh, you were there, but I guess you just weren’t paying attention. :smiley:

Also, I didn’t think I’d ever see Harley Race mentioned here! Did you ever see back in the day when they had the “King” of the WWF?

Ernest plays Jed in the beverly hillbillies

Change my vote to Airheads, I didn’t see that.
I saw beverly hillbillies and flipped.

You stupid fucking faggot! How could you MISS it?! :open_mouth:

I think I saw a bit of The King Harley Race after his King of the Ring win. My favorite King, though, has to be Edge.

Now, for the benefit of those of you with flash photography… does a five second pose

That reeks of royalty! So begins the Era of Awesomeness! Do my royal ears deceive me? I, King Edge the Awesome, am not dealing with the X Factor - I’m dealing with the CRAP factor!

I have a little mathematical equation fo you: What do totally huge, monumental, collosal, posalutely HUGE matches plus E to the C equal? Total victorification!

Yeah, I know that. “The Game”. It’s an ok song… I’d only listen to it for nostalgic reasons seeing as how I used to watch wrestling when DX were around. IMO there are far better Motorhead songs. Far better.

Lemmy forgot the words when he sang it live at WMXX or 21. Whichever one he sang it live at.

Yeah. That’s why Lemmy isn’t that great loud. He’s too drugged up to remember how to do anything right. I saw Motorhead live w/ Iron Maiden and Dio; they fucking sucked. I still like their studio tracks, though.

All those awesome SAT-quality words! However, wasn’t the flash photography a Rick Rude thing?

I think he just posed for the ladies. Edge and Christian did it differently.

I refuse to believe Motorhead would suck live!!! I haven’t seen them live yet, but really, they can’t be that bad!

Airheads is legendary, but not funny. Well, absolutely hilarious in concept, but not much good content. That is why I voted for Lake Placid, as it is a format bending horror movie, the sarcasm of which makes it worth watching, to the point that if you were to edit out all but the dialogue, it would be even better, as there would be no break in the hilarity. The other reason has to be that when that beaver emerges from the debris, and the orchestra strikes this utterly huge musical stab at that moment as if something happened, made me laugh harder (upon first veiwing, that is) out loud than I had laughed in a long time. I guess it has mainly to do with in what context one sees the two movies, upon first viewing, Airheads is the winner by a long shot, but for replay value, Lake Placid is it hands down.

Hey, so uh… what movie did you end up picking?

I’m allowed to necro. I’m a mod.

So, I just realized I never answered that question. I got Airheads. Lake Placid was my second choice because, as Ramza pointed out, the crocodile ate the cow.