Submit yer quotes!

Okay, with the old one gone, this is the new thread for submitting fanfic quotes.

Ze rulez are:

  1. Only quotes from fics in this archive, no outter sources.

  2. Don’t take a chunk of the most dramatic point of the story, ie a fullgrown spoiler (with that I mean the entire “The murderer is…!” part). Taking out one or two lines/things said can seldom do that though, so don’t be too worried about it.

  3. That’s about it :slight_smile:

“Oh, make me a man Quisty, PLEASE! You can whip me all night long!”

  • Mantastic_Man/Irvine

“the day I can’t push Quisty’s buttons is the day Selphie chains me naked to the wall, do a strip tease in front of me and perform blatant sex acts upon my person!”

  • Mantastic_Man/Irvine

"Using my kredit kard to purchase guardian forces on Ebay!! KURSE you all! "

  • Ultimecia/Rinoa

“Welcome to the Balamb Garden Network” by Ashbear and Wayward Tempest


  • Zell
    “The FF Breakroom” by d_Galloway

“A God just told me to fuck myself”

  • Scott

“On Earth as it is in Hell” by Caleb Nova

Yummy. This was fun. Found a new one…

booyaka_17>: Rinoa? Is that you?

Ultimecia>: heheh, yeah selphie its me.


Ultimecia>: huh?

booyaka_17>: THE WEBSITE!! ITS ALL TRUE!!! RINOA IS ULTIMECIA! Its so clear in a really bizarre twisted reasoning way to me now!!!

From “Welcome to the Balamb Garden Network” by Ashbear and Wayward Tempest.

redshuriken, I know we said you shouldn’t double post but it’s alright when you’re submitting stuff like quotes, otherwise it’s hard for me to notice your updates :slight_smile:

Goddarn complicated, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

Anyway, keep those quotes coming!

Oh. Alright then. I just read so much sometimes I find lots of quotes and end up posting many many times. =)

“The only people I have on my side are the woman who accused me of murder, the guy who ordered my murder, and the asshole who actually tried to murder me. Oh yes, fate was laughing at this one.”

  • Rinoa
    “Crimson Lies” by Ashbear

"When something bad happens, something good’s around the


  • Selphie “Sunday’s Child” by Lady Aliena

"I looked up and saw a shooting star… My first thought: ‘there goes another celestial mass into oblivion.’ "

“yeah; I liked her…and her skirt.”

  • Squall “Place in the World” by Ashbear

"while we are on the subject of rumors, let me dispel the Quistis one right now. She is one of my best friends. We do not hate each other, nor do we have catfights…in the shower . "

  • Rinoa “Place in this World” by Ashbear

This one’s from one on this board…my own actually :wink:

“Leave it to a mage to look a gift horse in the mouth”
—Carl the Shopkeeper

Sorry Bryan, it needs to be from a fanfic :slight_smile: Good one anyway.

Here’s a couple more from Knight of Spira…
(Hey, it’s one of my fave fics ever, and I’m good friends with the author. :slight_smile: )

A depressed looking Irvine then came into the room. Laguna decided he was going to need more scotch if he was going to keep playing counselor.

“How’d you let Wakka know you were interested in him?”

“I tried many methods. Finally I gave up and hit him in the head with a brick.”


Lulu laughed. “No, but believe me I did consider it.”
-Rikku and Lulu

Sorry Weiila, but as you and me both very well know, it would be VERY hard to pick out a short quote from this gem:

“She was expecting Impa to send her a champion, a warrior of unparalleled courage and skill, with sword and sorcery at his command…”

“And her every desire was fulfilled. I would not be, um, shall we say, living impaired, if thou were not all that she had expected.”

“Yes… but she was expecting me to look more like the guy on the cover of the romance novel she was reading at the time. Phlavio or something like that.”

“Ph-Phla-thou dost mean the muscle bound pirate king from the books I did grant her in her boredom? Tooled like a stallion, and with tresses unto a golden shower?”

“That’s the one.” I waited for Ganon’s laughter to die down. And waited. Finally, I continued. “She was… polite about it, and everything. She wasn’t too obvious about her dissapointment.”

  • My dearest Enemy - Archone

Soon, they were safely outside Tantagel Castle. With a quiet sigh, Nester carried Gwaelin through the halls of the construct, to the stairs. With a quiet sigh that was not quite a whimper, he began to churn his way up the stone steps, all the while carrying an a double armload of Princess.

  • But Thou MUST! - Archone

It’s okay with longer quptes in these cases, Bookbag :slight_smile: You are so right :wink:

“My name is Squall Leonheart. I am a person just like you. I’m not forty feet tall, I don’t breathe fire, I don’t eat breakfast and then go out and save the world every day. I snore, I drink too much coffee in the morning, and I can’t cook worth a damn. I’m just like anyone else. /…/"

  • Squalls speech

“A Knight of Spira” by Refugee

“Irvine, you’re a genius! I take back all my bad thoughts about you.”

“Uh. Thanks, I guess.”

  • Laguna to Irvine
    “A Knight of Spira” by Refugee

"/…/ Somehow I thought the founding of our language would be grander than that.”

  • Cid
    “A Knight of Spira” by Refugee

Edea: We would recommend killing both of them, then feasting on their respective flesh. Whichever better conformed to your taste would be your choice.

Selphie: But then they’d both be dead.

Edea: Exactly our point. It’s a plan with no downside. A veritable win/win situation.

  • “Scenes from a Parallel Universe” by Kaiser Von Almasy

“I am Uber SeeD! One and only!!”

  • Zell “The Seven Souls” by Last Cataclysm

I think I might just have to put this one from SilverKnight’s ‘Hero of the Day’ fic:

" “Kid,” he growled, “you musta made one hell of a crappy ninja, ‘cause ya can’t stay quiet worth shit.” " - Barret, talking to Yuffie

I don’t know why but I just really like this line. Maybe 'casue I could just picture Barret actually saying at some time or another!!

Thankies :slight_smile:
I’ll put in that quote once Hero of the Day is in the archive, Heaven :slight_smile:

And here’s yet another quote from Knight of Spira. :slight_smile:

“Quistis, after this is all over, let’s go get drunk. I‘ll even let you take advantage of me.” -Seifer

laughs Oh yes, that’s one’s gold :slight_smile:

I owe this to Rin, cuz she’s my sorceress

The joys of guarding a teenage summoner. The hormones flying around will kill me. Again.

Unintentional by Rinoa Heartilly (now goes by Rin)

Ah yeah, about that one Pierson, I already submitted that into the quote section myself. :slight_smile:

Aww damn… I’ll have to search for some more now…

Well, you can’t quote Bahamut screaming at Diablos in Diamond Dust either… already did that too :slight_smile: